
Cybercrime / Industry Updates

Beefing Up Third-Party Risk Management with Reverse DNS Search

Most businesses rely on third-party entities to outsource certain functions, save on costs, and strengthen their cybersecurity capabilities. While working with external providers makes perfect business sense, it also poses cyber risks. more

Strengthening Brand Protection with Subdomain Lookups: A Short Study

Threat actors usually ride on a brand's popularity to make phishing campaigns believable. A common approach involves registering typosquatting domains that closely resemble those of the legitimate owners. Yet monitoring typosquatting domains may just be the tip of the iceberg in the fight against phishing. more

Gathering Context Around Emotet, Trickbot, and Dridex C&C Servers with Bulk IP Geolocation

Dridex, Trickbot, and Emotet are banking Trojans that have enabled cybercrime groups to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from their victims. These malware have evolved over the years, and just recently, Emotet was seen using stolen attachments to make their spam emails more credible. more

WHOIS History Footprint Tells Us More about the Man Behind the Biggest BLM Scam

In 2018, the biggest scam that banked on the Black Lives Matter movement was exposed. An Australian National Union Workers official named Ian Mackay was allegedly behind the Black Lives Matter Facebook page that garnered more than 700,000 followers and racked over US$100,000 in donations. more

Afilias Joins Global Encryption Coalition to Promote Internet Security

Afilias, the world's second largest domain name registry, today announced that it has joined the Global Encryption Coalition ( The Global Encryption Coalition promotes and defends the use of strong encryption for everyone. By joining the coalition, Afilias has joined forces with over 50 civil society organizations, industry associations, and companies to defend encryption that helps protect everyone on the internet. more

Typosquatting Data Feed Can Enhance Lloyds Bank’s Typosquatting Protection

Typosquatting are among the cybersecurity threats that deserve a closer look in the financial sector. In fact, the early detection of typosquatting domains can help financial institutions maneuver away from cyber risks that could cause much damage. But to what extent is this the case? more

60+ PayPal Potential Typosquatting Domains Detected in the Beginning of June

PayPal is still one of the most imitated brands on the Internet. From 1-8 June 2020, the Typosquatting Data Feed detected a total of 64 PayPal lookalike domains. more

Typosquatting Domains Every AppleID Owner Should Avoid

On 29 April 2020, IBM X-Force warned users of an AppleID typosquatting campaign specifically targeting members of the media sector. We sought to dig deeper into these threats and find other relevant domains and IP addresses that users, regardless of industry, may need to steer clear of. more

Shopping and the Pandemic: Increased Reliance on Mobile Apps 

Savvy retailers who expanded their offerings to include e-commerce app options have reaped the benefits of this forethought during the coronavirus outbreak. As the pandemic has driven more shoppers to buy online, retailers who offer e-commerce apps have seen dramatic increases in the number of sales, even as traditional shopping has dropped off precipitously. more

Typosquatting Protection: A Look into Instagram-Themed Domain Names

On Instagram's Help Center, there are sections solely dedicated to Intellectual Property. The social media giant also provided avenues for reporting account impersonation and trademark violations. more