Domain Names


Domain Names / Industry Updates

Marketing Domains in the Times of COVID-19

As a marketer, if I could describe 2020 in two words; it would be unpredictable and volatile. While resilience is one of the crucial skills to master in marketing, it is truly being tested in 2020. At the same time, it's obvious that a business's ability to adapt quickly will determine how it will emerge on the other side of this unfortunate situation. more

100K+ List of Disposable Email Domains Under Security Analysis

Disposable email addresses are quite widespread and for different reasons. Some people believe that using throwaway or temporary email addresses helps them protect their privacy. Others, however, use these in more questionable endeavors - hence the relevance of monitoring disposable email domains. more

Detecting Possible Domain Generation Algorithm-Related Threats Using Typosquatting Data Feed

Domain generation algorithm (DGA) is used to generate several domain names commonly used for command-and-control (C&C) servers in malware attacks. The logic behind a domain name generation algorithm is quite simple. Instead of hard-coding the domain or IP address into the malware, the malware finds its C&C under a domain with a seemingly random name. more

Subdomain Lookup as Part of Cybersecurity Best Practices

Threat actors are always on the lookout for potential ways into target networks. And although the cybersecurity world has a lot on its radar already, subdomains are entry points that are not always easy to identify and may end up overlooked. more

Using WHOIS History and Other Intelligence Sources for Establishing Potential Attack Surfaces

Cyber attacks can come from practically any angle, and more often than not, it's hard to see them coming without knowing all there is to know about a domain's WHOIS history and connected domain entities. Several aspects come into play in this scenario, one of which is old and forgotten pages on a website. more

Radix Announces the Launch of Namify

The name-spinner is aimed at solopreneurs, small business owners and startups looking for affordable brand-building solutions that include brand name, domain name, social media handles as well as a brand logo. more

Radix’s H1 2020 Premium Domains Report

Radix shares its bi-annual premium report for the first half of 2020. This report gives a full overview of the premium domain sales across our nTLD portfolio from 1st January 2020 till 30th June 2020. more

Verisign Q2 2020 Domain Name Industry Brief: Internet Grows to 370.1 Million Domains in Q2 of 2020

Verisign today released the latest issue of the Domain Name Industry Brief, which shows that the second quarter of 2020 closed with 370.1 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains (TLDs), an increase of 3.3 million domain name registrations, or 0.9 percent, compared to the first quarter of 2020. more

i2Coalition and DNA Merger Creates North America’s Largest Internet Infrastructure Advocacy Group

The combined association, which will operate under the name i2Coalition and maintain the i2Coalition's existing organizational and management structure, will be the largest Internet infrastructure advocacy group in North America. more

DNS Records Lookup of “Walmart Drive-In Movie Theater” Domains Indicates Likely Typosquatting

People may not yet be keen on going to movie theaters due to COVID-19. As such, drive-in movie theaters have become more prominent as these help implement social distancing measures. more