Domain Names


Domain Names / Industry Updates

June 2020 Dot Brand Insights Report: How .SHARP Surged to the Top of the Alexa Rankings

In our June 2020 Dot Brand Insights Report, we look into the increase in .BRAND domains being used by brand owners to communicate important messaging to their customers, investors, and employees in light of the COVID-19 global pandemic. more

What a WHOIS Registrant Lookup Can Tell about “Kanye West” Newly Registered Domains

Kanye West trended after he announced his plan to run for U.S. president on 4 July 2020. On Twitter, his announcement was liked over 1.1 million times and retweeted more than 500,000 times. Elon Musk was also quick to express his support. more

2008 vs 2020: Analyzing Domain NamesĀ in a Global Recession

In the past few months, the definition of normal has changed for institutions, individuals, and industries. When the future seems blurry, at Radix, we go back to data and insights from the past to get some perspective. more

Host to IP and DNS Analysis of Dozens of Fortnite-Inspired Typosquatting Domains

Captain America arrived on Fortnite in time for the 4th of July celebration. This announcement was big news to the gaming community, with search terms such as "fortnite captain america skin" and "fortnite captain america" significantly rising in popularity on Google in the past week. more

MarkMonitor Releases New gTLD Quarterly Report for Q2 2020

MarkMonitor today released its latest issue of the New gTLD Quarterly Report for the second quarter of 2020, including a particular focus on registration trends during the pandemic. more

Bulk Domain Lookup of 3,000+ NRDs with “Deal” Word Strings Appearing Days before July 4

The U.S. Independence Day comes with both fireworks and the best deals. On this holiday, retailers usually offer big discounts. At this time when people may opt to shop online, several publications like TechRadar and Business Insider even curated a list of 4th of July deals from different retailers. more

Bulk WHOIS Lookup of Florida SMMC Lookalike Domains Shows Signs of Typosquatting

A bulk whois lookup of domain names similar to the official website of the Florida Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) Program -- www[.]flmedicaidmanagedcare[.]com -- indicates that a typosquatting event, or a cybersquatting one at the very least, might be at play. more

Hundreds of Election-Related Domain Names Seen as 2020 U.S. Elections Nears

Even as the world continues to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, essential events just can't be delayed. The U.S. presidential elections will continue to take place on 3 November 2020. more

Upward Trend Seen in “All Lives Matter,” “BLM,” and “Protest” Domain Registrations

George Floyd passing away while being arrested in Minneapolis, Minnesota, sparked several Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests worldwide. The protests started on 26 May, a day after Floyd's death, spanning states and even countries within a few days. more

Punycode Phishing: Internationalized Domain Names Remain a Threat in 2020

Back in 2018, investigative journalist Brian Krebs warned against the nuances of internationalized domain names (IDNs). These domains, which contain non-Latin characters but appear to do so, can be used to create visual confusions that can become particularly handy in executing credible punycode phishing campaigns. more