Domain Names


Domain Names / Industry Updates

.PRO Domains Now Available to All

Global registry leader Afilias announced that beginning today, .PRO is an unrestricted Top Level Domain open to all registrants. That means that everyone is now eligible to register a domain name ending with .PRO, such ''. more

LogicBoxes Announces Pioneer Registrar Program

Program meant exclusively for ICANN Accredited Registrars offers domain automation outsourcing and access to a suite of innovative Registrar tools & services along with strategic investment opportunities. more

Internet Grows to 296 Million Domain Names in Q2 2015

We have released the latest issue of the Domain Name Industry Brief, which showed that the Internet grew by two million domain names in the second quarter of 2015, and closed with a base of 296 million domain names across all top-level domains (TLDs). more

.Online Becomes the Fastest TLD to Sell 50,000 Domains

Post a record breaking launch, .online is still going strong 7 days into launch. After registering 28,000 domains in the first 30 minutes, .online seems to have broken one more record -- the fastest to sell 50,000 domains. more

.ONLINE GA Launches with 28,000 Registrations in the First 30 Minutes

Radix's much awaited and probably its biggest TLD, .online entered General Availability earlier today. .online has smashed .club's launch record by registering 28,000+ domains in the first 30 minutes itself. more

40+ Pioneers Signed on for .TECH, as it Enters EAP Today?

Co-founder of OnePlus, Carl Pei -- who recently revealed the highly-anticipated OnePlus 2 smartphone in the world's first virtual reality product launch -- is amongst the first tech industry leaders to reserve a .tech domain name. Carl intends to use '' for his blog and plans to make the move by the end of this year. more

LogicBoxes Introduces DomainBridge

The industry-first tool for Domain Management allows Domain Registrars, Domain Resellers and Hosting companies to manage domain name portfolios across different Registrar platforms, from one consolidated LogicBoxes interface. more

In Celebration of Marriage Equality Each New .LGBT Name Donates $20 to the It Gets Better Project

.LGBT (dotLGBT) domain registry operator Afilias announced the launch of the .LGBT Pride Program in celebration of two recent victories for LGBT equality: the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling regarding the right to marriage equality in the US, and Ireland's legalization of same-sex civil marriage. more

TLD Security, Spec 11 and Business Implications

After successfully securing your new TLD, launching it, and executing on your meticulously devised marketing plan, the only other concern you face is Security. Unfortunately, predicting exactly when and to what degree a security threat will occur can be difficult but you can take steps to make your new TLD a source of legitimacy and credibility. more

LogicBoxes Powers .NGO & .ONG Retail and Wholesale Channels for ENSET

LogicBoxes, the Vertical Integration Solutions Provider for New gTLDs & ccTLDs, today announced its business alliance with Enset, a subsidiary of Public Interest Registry (PIR), to establish wholesale and retail channels for .NGO & .ONG domains. more