
Whois / Industry Updates

A Look at Recent Attacks on K-12 Distance Learning Providers Using Domain Intelligence

As early as December of last year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) received reports of several cyber attacks targeting K-12 distance learning institutions.

SolarWinds Cyber Intel Analysis Part 2: A Look at Additional CISA-Published IoCs

A few weeks back, we added unpublicized artifacts to the list of indicators of compromise (IoCs) published by both FireEye and Open Source Context back in December 2020. Some would have thought that would put a stop to the havoc the SolarWinds threat actors have been wreaking, but the group targeted Malwarebytes just recently according to a company report.

How to Monitor IP Netblocks for Possible Targeted Attacks

A couple of weeks back, a security researcher alerted his LinkedIn contacts about possibly ongoing targeted attacks stemming from the Iranian subnet 194[.]147[.]140[.]x. He advised cybersecurity specialists to watch out for subnets that may be threatful and consider blocking them. This post encouraged us to look into the subnets and details our findings using IP Netblocks WHOIS Database.

Enriching Know-Your-Customer (KYC) Practices With IP Intelligence

Know-your-customers (KYC) policies aim to minimize the risk of money laundering, bribery, and other types of fraud. While it was originally implemented in financial institutions, companies outside the financial sector have adapted KYC with digital transactions as the primary driver. These days, the approach is enforced by virtual asset dealers, nonprofit organizations, and even social media companies.

Post-Riot Domain Registration Trends: Findings From Tracking Trump-Related Domains and Subdomains

The U.S. Capitol riot on 6 January 2021 was an unexpected event following the 2020 U.S. elections. The incident also made headlines worldwide, prompting us to track the registration trend for Trump-related domains and subdomains. We also looked into two domains for Trump's e-commerce stores that Shopify shut down.

Blind Eagle Targeted Attack: Using Threat Intelligence Tools for IoC Analysis and Expansion

Blind Eagle is a South American threat actor group believed to be behind APT-C-36 and that has been active since at least 2018. It primarily targets Colombian government institutions and large corporations in the financial, petroleum, and professional manufacturing industries.

Cyber Threat Intel Analysis and Expansion of SolarWinds Identified IoCs

The SolarWinds hack affected several government agencies and tech companies in the U.S. and worldwide. The sophisticated malware attack is believed to have compromised the trusted IT management software as early as March 2020 but only came to light in December.

Enriching Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems with IP and Domain Intelligence

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), collectively called "intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs)," monitor network traffic to stave off unauthorized access. Roughly speaking, an IDS detects possible malicious network activities, while an IPS stops malicious traffic from entering and possibly damaging a network.

Threat Intel Expansion on Cosmic Lynx BEC Campaign’s Recorded IoCs

Why go after individuals when you can get greater rewards by zooming in on more lucrative targets like large multinational corporations (MNCs)? That's the premise behind the Cosmic Lynx business email compromise (BEC) campaign that brought several MNCs, many of which were Fortune 500 or Global 2000 companies, to their knees.

QAnon and 8Chan Digital Footprint Analysis and Investigation Expansion

In October, Brian Krebs reported that several websites related to 8Chan and QAnon went offline, albeit only briefly. That happened when the entity protecting them from distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, CNServers LLC, terminated its service to hundreds of Spartan Host IP addresses...