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Contention for Three More gTLDs Resolved in Fourth Applicant Auction

The Fourth Applicant Auction has concluded, resolving contention for three more strings.

Donuts Inc. came away from the auction as the winner of all three strings: .LIFE, .CHURCH, and .LOANS.

Life Covenant Church, Inc. will be compensated for withdrawing their application for .CHURCH, and Radix will be compensated for their withdrawal from .LOANS, while Xiamen 35.com Technology Co.,Ltd and CompassRose will be compensated for their withdrawal from .LIFE.

This brings the total number of contention sets resolved by Applicant Auctions to 21.

ICANN has released an accelerated draft schedule for the last resort auctions. To participate in an Applicant Auction instead of the Last Resort auction, all applicants must have signed the Applicant Auction Agreement no later than one month before the scheduled date for the Last Resort auction - otherwise there is insufficient time to process settlement of the Applicant Auction results. We therefore recommend that applicants contact us at least 6 weeks prior to the date of the Last Resort Auction so that there is sufficient time to review the Applicant Auction agreement and the auction rules and answer any questions.

The next Applicant Auction will occur in early 2014. Applicants wishing to participate should contact us: info@applicantauction.com

Applicant Auctions are facilitated by Innovative Auctions Limited, and independently audited by Deloitte.

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By Sheel Mohnot, Project Director, Applicant Auction

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