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Popular RSS Reader Feedly Suffers Back to Back DDoS Attacks, Held for Ransom

Popular RSS reader Feedly has been hit by major distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks beginning 2:04am PST on Wednesday causing the service to be completely down for several hours two days in a row. (Second attack still undergoing as of the time of this post.) Following Google’s decision to end its RSS Reader service last year, Feedly quickly become one the most popular choices by users who where forced to use alternate services.

Upon initial DDoS attack, the company stated the following as part of its effort to keeping users abreast of the situation:

“Criminals are attacking feedly with a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). The attacker is trying to extort us money to make it stop. We refused to give in and are working with our network providers to mitigate the attack as best as we can.”

This morning, Feedly made a second announcement stating:

“The criminal has launched his second wave of DDoS attack this morning. The ops team has reviewed the attacks and is working on building a second line of defence to neutralize this second attack.”

Feedly has assured users that their data is safe and they will be able to re-access Feedly as soon as the attack is neutralized.

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