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Deloitte: DDoS Attacks to Enter Terabit Era in 2017

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks will become larger in scale, harder to mitigate and more frequent, says Deloitte in its annual Global Predictions 2017 report. It predicts “there will be on average a Tbit/s (terabit per second) attack per month, over 10 million attacks in total, and an average attack size of between 1.25 and 1.5 Gbit/s (gigabit per second) of junk data being sent. An unmitigated Gbit/s attack (one whose impact was not contained), would be sufficient to take many organizations offline.”

Anticipated escalation in DDoS threat is based on three concurrent trends: the growing installed base of insecure Internet of Things (IoT) devices; the online availability of malware methodologies, such as Mirai, which allow relatively unskilled attackers to corral insecure IoT devices and use them to launch attacks; and the availability of ever higher bandwidth speeds.

Entities that should remain particularly alert, according to the report, include: retailers with a high share of online revenues; online video games companies; video streaming services; online business and service delivery companies (financial services, professional services); and government online services (for example, tax collection).

The report also shares a range of options that companies and governments should consider to mitigate the impacts of DDoS attacks – they include: decentralizing, bandwidth oversubscription, testing, dynamic defense among others. (Full report available here)

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