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China Has Nearly 3 Times the Number of Internet Users as the US, and the Gap Will Only Widen

China has 772 million internet users, as compared to the United States currently at 292 million. While the US internet penetration has reached 89%, China is only 55% and growing fast. A new report titled, “China Internet Report 2018” discussed today at the Rise Conference in Hong Kong, attempts to comprehensively break down China’s thriving tech industry, identifying the big players in each field and lay out the four significant emerging trends. The report is the result of a collaboration between Abacus, 500 Startups, and the South China Morning Post. Xinmei Shen reporting in Abacus News has highlighted the top ten takeaways from the China Internet Report including the following:

— “China’s internet giants are doing everything. From streaming video to self-driving cars, the big three (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent) are present in almost every tech sector, either by investing in startups or by building it themselves.”

— “Government policy continue to actively shape China’s tech industry. State watchdogs have banned cryptocurrency trading, called out companies for invading user privacy, and even put a stop to quiz apps that ask “inappropriate” questions. Any trend can disappear overnight—if Chinese authorities want it to.”

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