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Internet’s 50th Anniversary Celebrated Worldwide with IEEE Event

IEEE Celebration of 50 Years of the Internet

On May 19, 2024, the Internet’s 50th anniversary was celebrated in a virtual event named i50, drawing participation from 1,000 IEEE members and internet enthusiasts from 56 countries. The live-streamed event was a highlight in a series of celebrations marking this milestone.

Prominent figures in the tech world and global leadership addressed the audience, including IEEE Life Fellows Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn, widely recognized as the fathers of the Internet. Other notable speakers included Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece; Amandeep Singh Gill, United Nations Envoy on Technology; Fei Fei Li, often referred to as the Godmother of AI; Thomas Coughlin, the 2024 IEEE President and CEO; and Sophia Muirhead, IEEE Executive Director and COO.

The event was hosted by People Centered Internet (PCI) Fellows Kate Wilson and David Kirkpatrick. The live stream, broadcasted on, was part of a Triple Milestone series that also included events on May 17 and 20, attracting over 1,700 participants.

The event highlighted historic breakthroughs and future challenges, sparking conversations about creating an inclusive digital future. The recordings of the event are arvhived at IEEEtv.

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