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DDoS Storm Is Coming, Warn Researchers Noting an 84% Surge in the First Quarter of 2019

Dynamics of the number of DDoS attacks in Q1 2019 (Source: Kaspersky Lab)

The number of DDoS attacks during the first three months of 2019 increased by 84%, compared with the previous quarter. The most noticeable area of DDoS attack growth observed was in the number of DDoS attacks that lasted for more than an hour, according to a new report issued by Kaspersky Lab. “These incidents doubled in quantity, and their average length increased by 487%.” The geographical distribution of targets closely mirror the geographical distribution of attacks: the Top 3 were again China (59.85%), the US (21.28%), and Hong Kong (4.21%).

One theory behind the sudden surge: “Over the last six months of the previous year, we have been observing less the redistribution of botnet capacity for other purposes and more the emergence of a market vacuum. Most likely, the supply deficit was linked to the clamping down on DDoS attacks, the closure of sites selling related services, and the arrest of some major players over the past year. Now it seems the vacuum is being filled: such explosive growth in the indicators is almost certainly due to the appearance of new suppliers and clients of DDoS services.”

Most dangerous day of the week: “Saturday was the most intensive day (accounting for 16.65% of attacks), with Friday in second place (15.39%). Sundays saw a relative lull—just 11.41% of attacks. Recall that in late 2018 Thursday had the largest share of DDoS attacks (15.74%), with Sunday again the most peaceful.”

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By Carlos Morales, Security and Networking Executive at Arbor Networks

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