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Innovation, Launches and Email: New gTLDs Deliver in Q3 2020

Top 10 .brand registrations by industry / MarkMonitor

As the third quarter of 2020 winds down, the domain industry continues to show development and progression amid uncertain global economic conditions. From improvements in products and additional TLD launches to growth in .brand email usage and upcoming virtual meetings, the Q3 2020: New gTLD Quarterly Report from our MarkMonitor team has a little something for everyone. You can download this quarter’s report here.

More innovative products and services arrive

In 2007, ICANN’s Generic Names Supporting Organization Committee on New Top-Level Domains confirmed its rationale for the introduction of new Top Level Domains. It included a number of reasons, such as “to promote competition in the provision of registry services, and to add to consumer choice new gTLDs.

As the new gTLD program delivered a series of TLDs launched from 2013 to the present, domain consumers have begun to see a number of innovations in the domain space. We encourage innovation in the domain industry, so we are excited to see the latest example of a domain product with significant security benefits.

Launch activity moves at a deliberate pace

At the beginning of Q3, the number of new gTLD registrations was relatively flat compared to the beginning of Q2—at both points orbiting the 33.2m domain name count. However, there may be changes ahead as there are at least three remaining TLD launches expected this year: .cpa, .contact and .zuerich.

Email trends in .brand TLDs

Back in our Q4 2018: New gTLD Quarterly Report, MarkMonitor analysts reviewed email usage by .brands. We revisited this subject in Q3 with fresh analysis. Do you have an idea of what percentage of .brand domain names currently have the ability to send email?

Online meetings on the calendar

As 2020 moves toward the finish line, two major industry meetings will take place virtually: ICANN’s 22nd Annual General Meeting (ICANN69) on October 17 to 22, 2020, and the INTA Annual Meeting on November 16 to 20, 2020. Our MarkMonitor team will attend these events remotely and provide analysis to our clients via webinars and other communications as available.

For additional information on the topics featured in this post, please download the MarkMonitor Q3 2020: New gTLD Quarterly.

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By Chris Niemi, Manager, Domain Services at MarkMonitor

Chris is highly experienced in TLD operations, having held multiple roles and led several multi-disciplinary teams that have provided everything from specialized domain-related ancillary services to client-related research projects and global ccTLD support. Chris is a subject matter expert on the New gTLD Program and .Brand TLDs and has managed multiple TLDs through all aspects of the program (application, evaluation, delegation, and launch).

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New gTLDs & FRAUD John Poole  –  Oct 2, 2020 6:23 PM

New gTLDs have been a FIASCO which is no surprise to many of us, as they were built upon a scam and fraud in which ICANN has been an enabler and willing participant. ICANN knew, since at least 2003, that most of its new gTLDs would “fail to work as expected on the internet” and “break stuff” but nonetheless, WITHOUT properly warning or informing the global internet community, including domain name registrants, added over 1200 of these new gTLDs to the global DNS root zone, in violation of its own responsibilities as a fiduciary and steward of the DNS. Now, the so-called “Universal Acceptance Steering Group” (UASG) is trying to rectify ICANN’s malfeasance, BUT it will take “years” according to UASG, and in the meantime, ICANN is going ahead with plans to perpetuate the fraud and scam with its next round of new gTLDs. I have no idea why you or MarkMonitor are pushing new gTLDs, but I guess you are either profiting somehow, or you are grossly ill-informed. ICANN has failed the global internet community including registrants. ICANN needs to be replaced.

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