On the 14th of April, IPXO, the world’s leading IP monetization and leasing platform will be holding a webinar on Cyber Threat Mitigation.
Thought leaders from CUJO AI, Deft, Voxility and IPXO, will be sharing their insights from their experiences in observing and analyzing the Internet’s landscape, discussing better ways to mitigate security incidents, and looking for ways to move from abuse observability to abuse prevention.
Paul Rendek, a member of the IPXO Advisory Board and Director at Dstream Group (previously a member of the Senior Management Team at RIPE NCC), will be moderating the webinar and guiding the conversation, trying to answer whether we, as a community, can be more proactive or is it a case of putting our fingers in the dyke as the holes appear when it comes to cyber threat mitigation and prevention.
Some extraordinary speakers will join him to find the answer:
Zoltan Balazs – Head of the Vulnerability Research Lab at CUJO AI. CUJO AI is a company focusing on smart home security. Before joining CUJO AI, Zoltan worked as a CTO for an AV Tester company, as an IT Security expert in the financial industry, and as a senior IT security consultant. He is also the developer of the Hardware Firewall Bypass Kernel Driver (HWFWBypass), the Encrypted Browser Exploit Delivery tool (#IRONSQUIRREL), the Sandbox tester tool to test Malware Analysis Sandboxes, and the Zombie Browser Toolkit browser extension.
Thomas Johnson – He currently leads information security, compliance, legal, and insurance for Deft with a history of information security and compliance-related expertise in banking, healthcare, and manufacturing. He holds a position on the CISM certification committee at ISACA and is an adjunct professor in the master’s program at the Illinois Institute of Technology. In addition to holding over a dozen information security-related certifications, he holds a B.S from Utah Valley University and a Master’s in Information Technology Management from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Virgil Truica – DDoS Security Evangelist at Voxility, who has been a DDoS Protection Specialist for more than 12 years, will share his insights regarding Voxility’s network capabilities and his experience with large DDoS attacks. Voxility is a global IaaS provider with 22 PoPs in the most prominent Internet hubs worldwide; the network is ranked by Caida as no. 80 among the largest networks in the world, with more than 1600 BGP peers.
Andrius Lapienė – A Staff Security Engineer responsible for the technological security roadmap at IPXO. Before that, he spent a better half of 2 decades designing and engineering network security solutions and IaaS application environments for medium and large enterprises employing traditional network techniques and a background in penetration testing and threat hunting.
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