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Webcast May 23: Finnish Internet Forum – ‘Internet and War’ Panel

On Monday May 23 2022 at 3-5pm EEST (12:00—14:00 UTC) the Finnish Internet Forum will convene a panel at the University of Helsinki with the topic ‘Internet and War’. A panel of experts will address the question of how the war has affected the Internet and how the Internet has been used to influence Finland and elsewhere during the war. The event will be conducted in English.

The Finnish Internet Forum is an annual multistakeholder event, set up in 2010 to discuss internet-related issues from a Finnish perspective.

Mikko Hyppönen, CRO, WithSecure
Catharina Candolin, Expert (Cyber Security), OP Finance Group
Peter Sund, CEO, Finnish Information Security Cluster

Johan “Julf” Helsingius, Chair, Internet Society Finland Chapter


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By Joly MacFie, Livestream Support

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Outstanding Ardan Michael Blum  –  May 23, 2022 7:09 PM

Mikko Hyppönen has an amazing level of expertise. A truly brilliant security expert.

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