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Balancing Digital Integrity: CENTR Critiques EU’s Insolvency Proposal

CENTR, the leading body representing European national domain registries, has voiced concerns over the European Union’s insolvency proposal. The group emphasizes that the current proposal places an undue strain on country code top-level domain (ccTLD) registries by demanding excessive data about domain name holders.

Proposal Flaws: The EU’s insolvency proposal aims to streamline the process of tracking assets in cross-border insolvency cases. It proposes consulting national assets registers, including ccTLD databases. However, CENTR points out that the current approach is not only ineffective but also unfairly burdens internet infrastructure providers.

CENTR’s Solution: To remedy this, CENTR recommends a tiered approach: first, insolvency professionals should consult bank and ownership registers. Only when these avenues are exhausted should they turn to ccTLD registries for further data.

CENTR’s recommendations include:

  1. Prioritizing other methods of asset tracking over querying ccTLD registries.
  2. Enhancing data protection safeguards and adhering to national access rules.
  3. Mandating human oversight for each data request.
  4. Simplifying the verification process for insolvency professionals via the European e-Justice Portal.

Polina Malaja, CENTR’s Policy Director, stressed the importance of recognizing ccTLDs’ pivotal role in digital society. She urged the European Commission to reconsider its proposal, ensuring it doesn’t impose unnecessary data demands, thereby preserving the integrity of the DNS system.

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