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Sally Wentworth Appointed as New CEO of the Internet Society

Sally Wentworth, appointed CEO of the Internet Society

The Internet Society has appointed Sally Wentworth as its new President and CEO, effective September 1, 2024. Wentworth, who has been with the organization since 2009, previously served as Managing Director and Vice President of Policy, where she played a pivotal role in shaping global Internet policy. In her new role, she will lead the Internet Society and its Foundation, focusing on expanding access to affordable, reliable, and secure Internet for all.

Wentworth’s career includes significant experience in technology policy, having previously worked at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the US Department of State. Her leadership is expected to drive the Internet Society’s mission to ensure the Internet remains a tool for positive global change. Ted Hardie, Chair of the Internet Society Board of Trustees, praised Wentworth’s deep understanding of Internet governance and her commitment to the organization’s goals, noting that her experience makes her the ideal choice to navigate the challenges ahead.

Wentworth holds advanced degrees in International Political Economy and Political Science and is based in Dayton, Ohio. She expressed her enthusiasm for the role, emphasizing her dedication to advancing the Society’s mission at this crucial time for the Internet.

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