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Automated Web Application Attacks Can Peak at 25,000 an Hour

Web applications, on average, experience twenty seven attacks per hour, or roughly one attack every two minutes, according to the newly released Imperva Web Application Attack Report. Report also notes that when websites came under automated attack they received up to 25,000 attacks in one hour, or 7 attacks every second.

Over 61 percent of the attacks are reported to have originated from bots in the United States although their source of control is unclear. Attacks from China made up almost 10 percent of attack traffic, followed by attacks originating in Sweden and France. “Our data shows that it is increasingly difficult to trace attacks to specific entities or organizations,” says Amichai Shulman, lead researcher and Imperva CTO. “This complicates any effort to retaliate, shut down cybercriminal gangs or identify potential acts of war.”

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