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Gaza Conflict Spilling Over Into the Internet, Cyberwar Underway

Whatever your personal perspective of the rights and wrongs of the current Arab-Israeli war in Gaza, there is a second front being fought on the Internet, says Jart Armin of HostExploit.com in a blog post today. “This form of warfare is a battle of words and often vivid imagery engaged by hackers from either side of the divide.”

“Many are familiar with the explosive form of botnet based DDos (direct denial of service) style of cyberwarfare carried out and widely reported, against governmental web sites in Estonia in 2007 or Georgia in August 2008. In fact this particular cyberwar in the Middle East has been ongoing since at least 2001. As the Internet mirrors the real world, this cyberwar waxes and wanes as the ground warfare fans the flames on the Internet at times such as this.”

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This does not compare very well to Anonymous Coward  –  Jan 11, 2009 1:45 PM

This does not compare very well to other cyberwar attempts.


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