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DNS, Content Providers Including Google and Neustar Propose Extending DNS Protocol

A proposal to extend the DNS protocol has been submitted by Google and other DNS and content providers such as Neustar/UltraDNS. Wilmer van der Gaast and Carlo Contavalli on behalf of the Google Public DNS team said: “Our proposed DNS protocol extension lets recursive DNS resolvers include part of your IP address in the request sent to authoritative nameservers. Only the first three octets, or top 24 bits, are sent providing enough information to the authoritative nameserver to determine your network location, without affecting your privacy.” The proposal aims to ultimately help send users to nearby servers in order to improves speed, latency, and network utilization.

Related Links:
Internet draft: Client IP information in DNS requests
Google’s blog post on Proposal to extend the DNS protocol

Paul Hoffman informs us that the proposal was submitted by a few engineers who work for “Google and other DNS and content providers such as Neustar/UltraDNS”, *not* by the companies themselves. (See his full comment below.)

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"Submitted by" Paul Hoffman  –  Jan 28, 2010 5:38 PM

The proposal was submitted by a few engineers who work for “Google and other DNS and content providers such as Neustar/UltraDNS”, *not* by the companies themselves. The IETF takes submissions from individuals, not from companies. There might be people at “Google and other DNS and content providers such as Neustar/UltraDNS” who disagree with the proposal and might say so.

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