
Cyberattack / Industry Updates

Cloud and IaaS DLP Woes: Is Additional Threat Intelligence a Solution?

Cloud-based technologies are effective means to gain visibility into the IT challenges faced by organizations. Adopting them enabled infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) providers to increase client uptime, security, and compliance, all the while giving more flexibility to scale up or down to respond to opportunities and challenges on time. more

Carpet-Bombing Attacks: A Rising Threat to ISPs

News of a South African ISP's two-day outage sent the industry abuzz last month, highlighting the need for improved distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack mitigation. more

How Threat Intelligence Prevents Nameserver Takeovers and Their Far-Reaching Damage

In an ideal world, administrators should never run across threats to their web properties. However, human errors and vulnerabilities inevitably get in the way of cybersafety. Managed Domain Name System (DNS) providers, registrars, and services can sometimes put users at immense risk as well. more

Can Domain Blacklisting Be Avoided?

If we're to sum up what any domain owner would want to avoid, it would be ending up in anyone's blacklist. Domain blacklisting has detrimental consequences for any business. Actually, it can have the same or similar negative brand effects as you'd see in the aftermath of a data breach or PR incident. more

How to Stay Safe Against DNS-Based Attacks

The Domain Name System (DNS) plays an essential role in resolving IP addresses and hostnames. For organizations, it ensures that users reach the proper sites, servers, and applications. While it's a fundamental base for a functioning Web, the problem is that this system can easily be abused. more

Unraveling Unsolved Mysteries with Threat Intelligence

Have you ever heard of Lake City Quiet Pills? It refers to a mysterious site that first made waves on Reddit in 2009 and has since resurfaced. What Is Lake City Quiet Pills? more

IP Geolocation: Improving Data Loss Prevention in Virtual Environments through Geofencing

Each day, threat actors search for targets whose assets they can compromise for personal gain. Their attacks often use exploit kits that can find gaps in networks that they use to infiltrate and compromise vulnerable systems and applications. more

Is Blocking via IP Geolocation the Answer to Preventing DDoS Attacks?

If there's anything we learned about the threat landscape, it's that none of us are safe from malicious actors. Becoming a victim is not a matter of "if" but "when." Enterprises are now aware that the thought of being "too big to fail" is no longer applicable. more

Common Threats That Can Be Overcome by Email Verification

One of the most effective and prevalent ways to reach someone in today's business world remains email. With billions of users worldwide, it is the backbone of business communications. more

How to Address Blended Threats with Domain Data

Fighting off individual threats is challenging enough, but things get complicated, and the results more damaging when organizations face blended threats. The practice of combining security threats such as malware and attack vectors confounds if not overwhelms victims, making them easy prey. more