
DNS / Industry Updates

REvil Ransomware: What Can We Learn from Published IoCs in 2022?

Ransomware has been one of the biggest threats to Internet users the world over since the malware first surfaced. REvil was one of the most notorious ransomware variants of 2021, pushing the U.S. Department of State to offer a US$10 million reward to anyone who can name and locate REvil gang leaders and up to US$5 million for any of their affiliates in November. more

Illegally Streaming “Spider-Man: No Way Home” Could Be Hazardous to Your Computer

Given the dangers that COVID-19 poses to people's health and the emergence of new variants every so often, it's easy to see why avid moviegoers would resort to streaming instead. But while they may indeed be avoiding the disease, their attempts to download pirated movies is not only illegal -- it could put their computers at risk. more

Log4j Vulnerability: What Do the IoCs Tell Us So Far?

A zero-day vulnerability found in Log4j, a logging library commonly used in Java, was detected on 9 December 2021. The vulnerability known as "CVE -- 2021 -- 44228" or "Log4Shell" enables attackers to execute codes and access all data on an infected machine remotely. more

Are Mypressonline.com’s Free Subdomain Creation Services Being Abused?

It’s not uncommon to see free web hosting providers get abused as part of phishing campaigns. IBM X-Force Exchange, in fact, published three indicators of compromise (IoCs) related to such an incident. more

Locky Ransomware: Still a Threat as List of IoCs Grows

Locky has been around since 2016, contributing to the total amount lost to ransomware worldwide, which has to this day reached US$20 billion in the U.S. alone. It usually gets delivered to users’ computers via emails with malicious attachments in the form of macro-laden Word documents. more

Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief: 364.6 Million Domain Name Registrations in Q3 2021

Today, we released the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief, which shows that the third quarter of 2021 closed with 364.6 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains, a decrease of 2.7 million domain name registrations, or 0.7%, compared to the second quarter of 2021. more

Facebook Is Now Meta, Will Threat Actors Ride the Wave?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, on 28 October in Connect 2021, introduced Meta, which will be Facebook’s parent company, along with the organization’s various apps and technologies. According to Zuckerberg, "Meta’s focus will be to bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities, and grow businesses." more

Are Banks and Their Customers Once Again at Risk of Typosquatting Woes?

A typosquatting campaign targeting U.S. Bancorp was uncovered a few weeks ago, potentially posing a threat to the financial institution and its customers. As of this writing, four domains and their IP resolutions were identified as indicators of compromise (IoCs). more

Cybersecurity During the Busiest Shopping Days of the Year

The holiday season is just around the corner, and with that, shoppers are starting to make their lists. According to an Adobe Report, the 2020 holiday season exceeded $188 billion in online sales in the United States alone, an increase of 32% compared with 2019. more

DNS Record Contents: Are Organizations Giving Away More Than They Should?

There are several directions an organization can take when naming critical digital properties. A classic tactic is using a common theme, such as pet names, planets, or colors. A CTO suggested naming database nodes after “Game of Thrones (GoT)” characters. Taking this route makes for an obscure naming system that would be difficult for third parties to guess. more