
DNS / Industry Updates

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Bring on the Scariest Sales

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the most-awaited shopping events each year. That said, they have also become favored scammer targets for the most ingenious campaigns designed to part shoppers with their cash or, worse, identities.

Dormant Colors IoC Expansion: Don’t Install Browser Extensions from These Domains

Internet users are being tricked into installing browser extensions that can hijack their web searches. The end goal could be to insert affiliate links, but who knows what other malicious activities the threat actors behind them are capable of?

Rogue Tor Browser: When Search for Anonymity Leads to Exposure Instead

Anyone who wishes to browse the Internet without the prospect of being spied upon by others, whether for legal or illegal purposes, can always rely on using the Tor browser if they're so inclined.

Alleviating BlackEnergy-Enabled DDoS Attacks

BlackEnergy first appeared in 2007. Designed to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks or download customized spam or banking data-stealer plug-ins, it was again used to target the State Bar of Georgia last May

On the Frontlines of the Syrian Electronic Army’s Digital Arsenal

The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) is a group of threat actors that have been around since 2011. Some of their possible victims are PayPal, eBay, Twitter, media outlets, and some U.S. government websites.

Who Could Be Behind the Latest GitHub-Hosted Malware Infrastructure?

GitHub is a popular code repository used by almost all software developers. Anyone can access it to share their code with practically anyone interested. Unfortunately, not every GitHub user is trustworthy. It has, in fact, been used to host malware at least a couple of times.

Should We Consider the Maze Ransomware Extinct?

The Maze Ransomware Group is one of the most notorious threat actor groups targeting large enterprises, such as Cognizant, Xerox, and Canon, and stealing massive amounts of sensitive data. Some of their ransomware distribution methods include spamming, phishing, and brute forcing.

Tracing the Digital Footprint of Iran’s Mabna Hackers

In 2018, nine Mabna hackers were indicted by a U.S. grand jury for their involvement in different instances of cybercrime. Their victims included about 320 universities and over 50 private, government, and nongovernmental organizations in several countries.

Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief: 351.5 Million Domain Name Registrations in Q2 2022

Today, we released the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief, which shows that the second quarter of 2022 closed with 351.5 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains, an increase of 1.0 million domain name registrations, or 0.3%, compared to the first quarter of 2022.

Brand Registry Group .brand Brief, ICANN75

The Brand Registry Group (BRG) is the global association of companies and organizations working together to champion the use of .brand top-level domains and includes some of the world's most recognized consumer and B2B brands.