
Whois / Industry Updates

Facebook Is Now Meta, Will Threat Actors Ride the Wave?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, on 28 October in Connect 2021, introduced Meta, which will be Facebook’s parent company, along with the organization’s various apps and technologies. According to Zuckerberg, "Meta’s focus will be to bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities, and grow businesses." more

Are Banks and Their Customers Once Again at Risk of Typosquatting Woes?

A typosquatting campaign targeting U.S. Bancorp was uncovered a few weeks ago, potentially posing a threat to the financial institution and its customers. As of this writing, four domains and their IP resolutions were identified as indicators of compromise (IoCs). more

Insurance Companies Are The Target of Recent Cybersquatting Campaigns

An ongoing cybersquatting campaign targeting MetLife, a global insurance company, was reported by IBM Exchange X-Force, listing 12 malicious domains. We dug deeper into the campaign as part of our goal to expand lists of indicators of compromise (IoCs). more

Are Cybersquatting Campaigns Targeting Airlines Taking Off?

Details about an ongoing cybersquatting campaign targeting Turkish Airlines were recently unveiled, naming 13 malicious domains connected to the threat. As one of our primary goals is to expand published lists of indicators of compromise (IoCs), we dug deeper into the campaign to determine if the threat is confined to Turkish Airlines or if other industry players are at risk as well. more

Exposing an Active Kaseya Ransomware Attack Infrastructure

Kaseya, an IT solution developer targeting managed service providers (MSPs) and enterprises, became a victim of a massive ransomware attack last July. While the company’s CEO said that less than 0.1% of its clients were affected, the fact that it mostly served MSPs, the data belonging to as many as 1,500 small businesses could have been compromised. more

Exposing Rogue Free VPN Users – An OSINT Analysis

According to recent research conducted by DNS Threat Researcher Dancho Danchev, the National Security Agency (NSA) seemingly runs a free VPN domain portfolio to lure malicious users and learn more about their Internet activities. more

Continuing Danger for Internet Users – Unavailable Whois Data and DNS Abuse

As we approach our third year of living with ICANN's Temporary Specification, civil and criminal investigators still can't find suspected perpetrators' contact data, nor can they depend upon enlisting the help of registries and registrars to abate abuse consistently and quickly. The result? Unsuspecting internet users remain at risk, and there is no end to this dilemma in sight. more

MarkMonitor Releases New gTLD Quarterly Report for Q2 2021

We’re happy to deliver this insight collection on Q2 2021, including a deep dive into the electric vehicle (EV) market and its crossover into the new gTLD and .brand space, building upon analysis from our recent 'The Road Ahead: Sustainable Vehicles Today and in the Future' reports. more

Upcoming Hollywood Movie Releases and Domain Registration Trends, Is There a Connection?

It’s not uncommon to see news stories that blame piracy or prerelease leakages for poor movie revenue turnouts. We’ve seen that happen over time with movies like “X-Men: Origins Wolverine,” “Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith,” and “Expendables 3.” more

An Analysis of the Gaming Industry’s Domain Attack Surface

The videogame industry has outperformed the movie and North American sports industry in 2020, and market experts expect the trend to continue on in 2021. So reports about the increasing cyber attacks targeting the said industry is not surprising as threat actors tend to go after lucrative targets. more