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The Famous Brett Watson

Joined on July 20, 2004
Total Post Views: 119,076


TFBW has a PhD from Macquarie University (Sydney), with a thesis entitled “Network Protocol Design with Machiavellian Robustness”, but works day-to-day as a humble Perl developer. Aside from Internet technologies and computer science in general, his primary interest is philosophy (as the art of reasoned analysis, argument, and clear thinking).

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by The Famous Brett Watson on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2021 - Aug 08 on The Irrationality of Deploying IPv6
2021 - May 15 on Transport vs. Network
2019 - Jul 15 on How the Internet Can Be Enormously Accelerated Without Fiber-Optic Cables or LEO Satellites
2018 - Dec 28 on Internet Economics
2018 - Dec 01 on Stop Using the Term "Open Internet"
2018 - Nov 12 on A Less Than Candid PP-2018 OTT Resolution
2018 - Nov 01 on Over the Top Services at the ITU PP-2018: Considering the Pittsburgh Massacre
2018 - Oct 30 on Over the Top Services at the ITU PP-2018: Considering the Pittsburgh Massacre
2018 - Oct 30 on Amid Shutdown, Claims Free Speech Infringement While Many Others View Them as Hate Site
2018 - May 28 on GDPR PII Time-Bomb? Kill it With Fire!
2018 - May 27 on GDPR PII Time-Bomb? Kill it With Fire!
2018 - Feb 26 on Humming an Open Internet Demise in London?
2017 - Nov 13 on Weaponizing the Internet Using the "End-to-end Principle" Myth
2017 - Nov 13 on Weaponizing the Internet Using the "End-to-end Principle" Myth
2017 - May 15 on The Criminals Behind WannaCry
2017 - May 12 on Jakarta Declaration Calls on Governments to Recognize Legitimacy of Encryption
2017 - May 11 on Jakarta Declaration Calls on Governments to Recognize Legitimacy of Encryption
2017 - May 11 on Jakarta Declaration Calls on Governments to Recognize Legitimacy of Encryption
2017 - May 10 on Jakarta Declaration Calls on Governments to Recognize Legitimacy of Encryption
2017 - May 10 on Jakarta Declaration Calls on Governments to Recognize Legitimacy of Encryption
2017 - May 10 on Jakarta Declaration Calls on Governments to Recognize Legitimacy of Encryption
2017 - Apr 29 on Sorry, Not Sorry: WHOIS Data Must Remain Public
2017 - Mar 14 on And the Wait Continues for .Corp, .Home and .Mail Applicants
2017 - Mar 13 on And the Wait Continues for .Corp, .Home and .Mail Applicants
2016 - Nov 20 on A Real-Names Domain Registration Policy Would Discourage Political Lying
2016 - Oct 25 on The Internet Needs a Security and Performance Upgrade
2016 - Oct 22 on Substantial DDoS Attack Disrupts Twitter, Netflix, Visa and other Major Sites
2016 - May 28 on IETF's Descent Into the Political Rabbit Hole
2016 - May 28 on IETF's Descent Into the Political Rabbit Hole
2016 - May 27 on IETF's Descent Into the Political Rabbit Hole
2015 - Sep 21 on Can We Stop IP Spoofing? A New Whitepaper Explores the Issues
2015 - Sep 20 on Can We Stop IP Spoofing? A New Whitepaper Explores the Issues
2015 - Mar 17 on The .DOCTOR Quarantine
2014 - Aug 03 on Anti-Spoofing, BCP 38, and the Tragedy of the Commons
2014 - Aug 02 on Anti-Spoofing, BCP 38, and the Tragedy of the Commons
2014 - May 01 on Net Neutrality? Give Me a Break
2014 - Apr 05 on Snowshoe Spam: What It Is, and How Not to Look Like You Send It
2014 - Feb 18 on Extreme Vulnerability at the Edge of the Internet - A Fresh New Universal Human-Rights Problem
2013 - Oct 12 on Domain Name Registrar Allows Completely Blank WHOIS
2013 - Oct 11 on Domain Name Registrar Allows Completely Blank WHOIS
2013 - Oct 10 on Domain Name Registrar Allows Completely Blank WHOIS
2013 - Oct 09 on Domain Name Registrar Allows Completely Blank WHOIS
2013 - Aug 24 on A Question of DNS Protocols
2013 - Aug 24 on A Question of DNS Protocols
2013 - Jul 27 on Chromecast Set to Revolutionise the TV
2013 - Mar 20 on IPv6: SAVA, Ca va pas?
2013 - Mar 02 on Google: Not All ccTLD's Are Created Equally in Generic Search Rankings
2013 - Jan 02 on 30 Years Ago Today, the Switch to TCP/IP Launched Today's Internet
2012 - Oct 05 on The Evolution of the ITU's Views on Internet Governance (2006-2012)
2012 - Oct 04 on The Evolution of the ITU's Views on Internet Governance (2006-2012)
2012 - Sep 20 on Microsoft's Takedown of - A Gigantic Self Goal?
2012 - Jul 20 on Cyber Criminals Infiltrate Even Small Businesses
2012 - Jul 08 on Cyber Criminals Infiltrate Even Small Businesses
2012 - Jun 22 on Occam's ITRs
2012 - Jun 08 on The ICANN Hunger Games
2012 - May 02 on Google Launches Storage Service, "Drive"
2012 - Apr 01 on Fake Bank Site, Fake Registrar
2012 - Apr 01 on Fake Bank Site, Fake Registrar
2012 - Mar 30 on Fake Bank Site, Fake Registrar
2012 - Mar 12 on Most Abusive Domain Registrations are Preventable
2012 - Feb 20 on Most Abusive Domain Registrations are Preventable
2012 - Feb 19 on Most Abusive Domain Registrations are Preventable
2012 - Feb 18 on Most Abusive Domain Registrations are Preventable
2012 - Feb 08 on Phish or Fair?
2012 - Feb 07 on Phish or Fair?
2012 - Jan 28 on IP Address Reputation Primer
2012 - Jan 27 on IP Address Reputation Primer
2012 - Jan 24 on Implications of Canada's CASL - Toughest Anti-Spam Law the World Has Ever Seen
2012 - Jan 21 on Implications of Canada's CASL - Toughest Anti-Spam Law the World Has Ever Seen
2011 - Dec 10 on Greylisting Still Works - Part II
2011 - Oct 18 on Why Brands Need Their Own TLD - The Mulberry-Sale Site that Scammed Me
2011 - Sep 20 on IPv6 Transitional Uncertainties
2011 - Sep 19 on IPv6 Transitional Uncertainties
2011 - Aug 12 on FttH Is Not About High-Speed Internet Access - It Is About the Internet of Things
2011 - Jul 27 on Alignment of Interests in DNS Blocking
2011 - Jul 16 on Will Anyone Qualify As a Community TLD?
2011 - Jul 15 on Will Anyone Qualify As a Community TLD?
2011 - Jun 04 on DHCP for IPv4 vs. IPv6 - What You Need to Know
2011 - May 21 on A True Final Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem?
2011 - May 16 on vs. a New TLD: What's a Brand to Do?
2011 - May 03 on Password Policies Need to Be the Same if We Want Users to Take Our Advice
2011 - Apr 30 on Defending Against the Hackers of 1995
2011 - Apr 12 on Real. Or. Phish?
2011 - Mar 21 on On Mandated Content Blocking in the Domain Name System
2011 - Mar 20 on On Mandated Content Blocking in the Domain Name System
2011 - Mar 20 on On Mandated Content Blocking in the Domain Name System
2011 - Mar 20 on On Mandated Content Blocking in the Domain Name System
2011 - Mar 19 on On Mandated Content Blocking in the Domain Name System
2011 - Mar 17 on No False-Starts, Do-Overs, or Mulligans for Email
2011 - Mar 17 on No False-Starts, Do-Overs, or Mulligans for Email
2011 - Feb 19 on Foreign Hackers Attack Canadian Government
2011 - Feb 18 on Big Business Has Been Using the New TLD Concept for Years
2011 - Jan 04 on Spam Volumes In 2010
2010 - Dec 29 on Has the FCC Created a Stone Too Heavy for It to Lift?
2010 - Dec 29 on Has the FCC Created a Stone Too Heavy for It to Lift?
2010 - Dec 29 on Has the FCC Created a Stone Too Heavy for It to Lift?
2010 - Dec 11 on Open Internet and Democratic Principles Under Attack
2010 - Dec 11 on Open Internet and Democratic Principles Under Attack
2010 - Dec 04 on Two Years Later Dozens of Registrars Still in the Shadows
2010 - Nov 15 on The Internet Monopolies?
2010 - Oct 27 on Broadband Challenge Isn't About Plumbing
2010 - Oct 21 on Why App Stores Won't Survive
2010 - Oct 05 on ARF is Now an IETF Standard
2010 - Oct 01 on DNSSEC vs DDoS Protection: Is It Really a Choice?
2010 - Sep 23 on Policy Failure Enables Mass Malware: Part I (Rx-Partners/VIPMEDS)
2010 - Sep 19 on Could .NAME be the Killer App ENUM is Waiting For?
2010 - Sep 18 on Could .NAME be the Killer App ENUM is Waiting For?
2010 - Sep 18 on Could .NAME be the Killer App ENUM is Waiting For?
2010 - Sep 15 on Silvia Hagen: It's Not About IPv6 Transition But Urgent Integration
2010 - Sep 10 on ARF is Now an IETF Standard
2010 - Aug 18 on Protection of Intellectual Property: The Core of the Net Neutrality Debate
2010 - Aug 10 on Three Things Registrars Must Do to Enhance Security
2010 - Aug 10 on Three Things Registrars Must Do to Enhance Security
2010 - Aug 07 on Taking Back the DNS
2010 - Aug 05 on Cyberwar vs No Cyberwar
2010 - Aug 05 on Cyberwar vs No Cyberwar
2010 - Aug 03 on Taking Back the DNS
2010 - Jul 19 on DNSSEC Happy Talk Enters a New Era
2010 - Jun 10 on The [Dot]Brand Tribes - Part 3
2010 - May 14 on The Sad State of WHOIS, and Why Criminals Love It
2010 - Feb 10 on Is Australia a Hot-Bed of Zombie Activity?
2010 - Feb 03 on The Greatest Free Riders of Our Time
2010 - Feb 03 on The Greatest Free Riders of Our Time
2010 - Jan 25 on Google Puts Its Foot Down
2010 - Jan 24 on Google and China: Some General Thoughts
2010 - Jan 14 on Google Puts Its Foot Down
2009 - Nov 13 on How Do You Do Secure Bank Transactions on the Internet?
2009 - Nov 13 on The Tempest in the TLD Teapot
2009 - Nov 13 on How Do You Do Secure Bank Transactions on the Internet?
2009 - Nov 10 on How Do You Do Secure Bank Transactions on the Internet?
2009 - Nov 10 on The Tempest in the TLD Teapot
2009 - Oct 24 on Net Neutrality in the US Under Fire
2009 - Oct 10 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Oct 09 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Oct 09 on ITU Putting Global Cyber Security on Top of Its Agenda
2009 - Oct 09 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Oct 09 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Oct 08 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Oct 08 on Securing a Domain: SSL vs. DNSSEC
2009 - Oct 08 on Securing a Domain: SSL vs. DNSSEC
2009 - Oct 06 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Oct 06 on Sender Address Verification: Still a Bad Idea
2009 - Sep 30 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Sep 30 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Sep 29 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Aug 19 on The Chinese Domain Name Bubble Bursts
2009 - Jul 14 on New Analysis Suggests Recent Cyberattacks Against US and South Korea Originated from UK Not N. Korea
2009 - Jul 05 on Turn the Table on Content Filtering
2009 - Jul 04 on Turn the Table on Content Filtering
2009 - Jul 02 on The Browser Is the OS (Thanks to Firefox 3.5, Chrome 2, Safari 4)
2009 - Jun 24 on Extending the JPA is the Right Thing to Do
2009 - Jun 18 on How is ICANN Spending Your Money?
2009 - Jun 02 on IPv6 and LTE, the Not So Long Term Evolution?
2009 - May 22 on Why DNS Is Broken, Part 2: DoS Target
2009 - Mar 27 on Obama's Missed Opportunity
2009 - Mar 26 on Obama's Missed Opportunity
2009 - Mar 17 on DPI is Not a Four-Letter Word!
2009 - Mar 01 on What ICANN Participants Have in Common with (and Could Learn from) Quakers
2009 - Feb 04 on Yellow Parking Violation Fliers on Windshields Get Drivers to Visit Malicious Website
2009 - Jan 28 on Law Requiring Sex Offenders to Hand Over All Internet Passwords Going Too Far?
2009 - Jan 07 on The Problem With HTTPS SSL Runs Deeper Than MD5
2009 - Jan 07 on The Problem With HTTPS SSL Runs Deeper Than MD5
2009 - Jan 06 on The Problem With HTTPS SSL Runs Deeper Than MD5
2008 - Dec 28 on One Good Outcome from the Wall Street Journal: Google Flap
2008 - Dec 19 on What If I Were Wrong About Edge-Caching?
2008 - Dec 15 on Eugene Kaspersky: We Need Interpol for Internet, Law Enforcement Agencies Have Jurisdictional Limits
2008 - Dec 05 on The Path Towards Centralization of Internet Governance Under UN: Part 3
2008 - Nov 22 on Old New Telco Thinking
2008 - Nov 20 on Old New Telco Thinking
2008 - Nov 19 on Old New Telco Thinking
2008 - Oct 30 on Expansion of Top-Level Domain Names: Why Current Brand Protection Procedures Will Be Impractical
2008 - Oct 07 on The Root of All Email
2008 - Oct 07 on The Root of All Email
2008 - Sep 30 on Comcast is Right, the FCC is Wrong
2008 - Sep 29 on Comcast is Right, the FCC is Wrong
2008 - Sep 29 on Comcast is Right, the FCC is Wrong
2008 - Sep 29 on Comcast is Right, the FCC is Wrong
2008 - Sep 24 on Comcast's Network Management Practices: A Brief Analysis
2008 - Sep 18 on IGF Meeting Blacklisted
2008 - Sep 09 on Soon in a Mail Box Near You: Internationalized Email Addresses
2008 - Aug 11 on Hunting Unicorns: Myths and Realities of the Net Neutrality Debate
2008 - Aug 11 on Hunting Unicorns: Myths and Realities of the Net Neutrality Debate
2008 - Aug 09 on Hunting Unicorns: Myths and Realities of the Net Neutrality Debate
2008 - Aug 08 on Hunting Unicorns: Myths and Realities of the Net Neutrality Debate
2008 - Aug 05 on Hunting Unicorns: Myths and Realities of the Net Neutrality Debate
2008 - Aug 04 on Another Wrong-Headed WSJ Editorial
2008 - Aug 03 on Another Wrong-Headed WSJ Editorial
2008 - Aug 02 on Another Wrong-Headed WSJ Editorial
2008 - Jul 28 on No Fines for Comcast
2008 - Jul 22 on Shouting 'Bug' on a Crowded Internet...
2008 - Jul 15 on No Fines for Comcast
2008 - Jul 15 on No Fines for Comcast
2008 - Jul 14 on No Fines for Comcast
2008 - Jul 14 on No Fines for Comcast
2008 - Jul 13 on No Fines for Comcast
2008 - Jun 23 on Potential Danger Ahead for Registrants: dot-info Abusive Domain Use Policy
2008 - Jun 11 on CIRA Creates Backdoor WHOIS Exceptions for Police and IP Owners
2008 - Apr 26 on Microsoft's Contribution Was TCP/IP
2008 - Mar 07 on Don't Register Your Domain in the U.S. if it's Controversial
2008 - Mar 06 on Don't Register Your Domain in the U.S. if it's Controversial
2008 - Mar 01 on IPv6 in Slovak Academic Network
2008 - Feb 11 on IPv6: Do as I Say or Do as I Do?
2008 - Jan 08 on Up to 300 Megawatt Worth of Keepalive Messages to be Saved by IPv6?
2007 - Dec 17 on DNSSEC: Once More, With Feeling!
2007 - Dec 12 on DNSSEC: Once More, With Feeling!
2007 - Dec 05 on In Praise of Relatively Dumb Pipes
2007 - Dec 04 on In Praise of Relatively Dumb Pipes
2007 - Dec 03 on In Praise of Relatively Dumb Pipes
2007 - Nov 29 on In Praise of Relatively Dumb Pipes
2007 - Nov 29 on In Praise of Relatively Dumb Pipes
2007 - Nov 29 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Nov 23 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Nov 22 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Nov 22 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Nov 21 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Oct 31 on NANOGGING
2007 - Oct 30 on Are Domain Name Portfolios Actually Worth What They Are Touted to Be?
2007 - Oct 29 on Are Domain Name Portfolios Actually Worth What They Are Touted to Be?
2007 - Oct 28 on Are Domain Name Portfolios Actually Worth What They Are Touted to Be?
2007 - Oct 25 on Are Domain Name Portfolios Actually Worth What They Are Touted to Be?
2007 - Aug 29 on If WHOIS Privacy is a Good Idea, Why is it Going Nowhere?
2007 - Aug 21 on How Spammers Get Around SPF
2007 - Aug 10 on Defending Networks Against DNS Rebinding Attacks
2007 - Aug 09 on Phishers Now Targeting Domain Registrars
2007 - Aug 08 on Phishers Now Targeting Domain Registrars
2007 - Jul 26 on Commentary on the FTC Spam Summit
2007 - Apr 11 on Splitting the Root: It's Too Late
2007 - Apr 07 on Splitting the Root: It's Too Late
2007 - Apr 04 on Putting Some Circuit Breakers Into DNS to Protect The Net
2007 - Mar 26 on Recent COPA Ruling Shedding Light on Usefulness of XXX as Voluntary Self Regulatory Vehicle?
2007 - Mar 19 on The Real Problem with dot-XXX
2007 - Mar 18 on An Alternative to .XXX: IANA Adult Port Assignments
2007 - Mar 17 on The Real Problem with dot-XXX
2007 - Mar 12 on Are We Slowly Losing Control of the Internet?
2007 - Feb 12 on The Fragile Network
2007 - Jan 16 on Google's Top-10 Search Terms Dominated By Trademarks
2006 - Dec 29 on Map of the Internet: The IPv4 Space of 2006
2006 - Dec 29 on Map of the Internet: The IPv4 Space of 2006
2006 - Dec 28 on Map of the Internet: The IPv4 Space of 2006
2006 - Nov 30 on Huge Increase in Spam in October Email
2006 - Nov 07 on More than 99% of Email is Spam?
2006 - Oct 23 on ICANN Board to Vote on Domain Tasting Measure
2006 - Oct 15 on Spamming the News Cycle: Spamhaus Non-Story Goes Viral
2006 - Oct 03 on Another View of the New ICANN-DoC Agreement
2006 - Oct 03 on ICANN and the DOC
2006 - Oct 02 on ICANN and the DOC
2006 - Sep 30 on ICANN and the DOC
2006 - Sep 19 on .MS: Alternate Root and Monoculture as Good Things
2006 - Sep 08 on Tiered (Variable) Pricing Compromise?
2006 - Sep 03 on IPv6: Extinction, Evolution or Revolution?
2006 - Sep 01 on Tiered (Variable) Pricing Compromise?
2006 - Aug 31 on Why We Need to Find Solutions on Internet Governance As Soon As Possible
2006 - Aug 29 on Why We Need to Find Solutions on Internet Governance As Soon As Possible
2006 - Jun 22 on Conflict of Opinion
2006 - Jun 13 on Domain Tasting Target of US Federal Cybersquatting Lawsuit
2006 - Jun 12 on Domain Tasting Target of US Federal Cybersquatting Lawsuit
2006 - Jun 10 on Domain Tasting Target of US Federal Cybersquatting Lawsuit
2006 - Jun 10 on Domain Tasting Target of US Federal Cybersquatting Lawsuit
2006 - Jun 02 on .XXX and Conservative Groups
2006 - May 19 on Why ICANN Nominating Committee Has Difficulty Finding Directors
2006 - May 18 on .XXX and Conservative Groups
2006 - Mar 24 on Report on DNS Amplification Attacks
2006 - Mar 08 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Mar 08 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Mar 08 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Mar 03 on China's New Domain Names: Lost in Translation
2006 - Mar 02 on China's New Domain Names: Lost in Translation
2006 - Mar 01 on China's New Domain Names: Lost in Translation
2006 - Mar 01 on A Day Which Will Live in Infamy: ICANN Board Approves VeriSign Settlement
2006 - Mar 01 on China's New Domain Names: Lost in Translation
2006 - Feb 20 on Hypertext Mail Protocol (a.k.a. Stub Email): A Proposal
2006 - Feb 15 on Internet Governance: An Antispam Perspective
2006 - Feb 11 on Questioning "Net Neutrality"
2006 - Feb 03 on AOL and Goodmail: Two Steps Back for Email
2006 - Jan 18 on Ask Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains
2006 - Jan 09 on Europe is to the US Controlled GPS as Europe is to the US Controlled DNS Root?
2006 - Jan 05 on What's in a Name?
2006 - Jan 05 on What's in a Name?
2005 - Dec 30 on Europe is to the US Controlled GPS as Europe is to the US Controlled DNS Root?
2005 - Dec 23 on What's Wrong with Domain Names?
2005 - Dec 23 on What's Wrong with Domain Names?
2005 - Dec 02 on VeriSign-ICANN Proposed Settlement Discussed in Vancouver
2005 - Nov 16 on WSIS and the Splitting of the Root
2005 - Nov 16 on WSIS and the Splitting of the Root
2005 - Nov 16 on Would the Real Network Neutrality Please Stand Up?
2005 - Nov 16 on Would the Real Network Neutrality Please Stand Up?
2005 - Nov 15 on WSIS and the Splitting of the Root
2005 - Nov 15 on Facing the Facts on Internet Governance
2005 - Nov 10 on Questioning the Illusion of Internet Governance
2005 - Nov 07 on Nom-Com Appoints Independent and Diverse Candidates to ICANN Leadership Positions
2005 - Nov 07 on Nom-Com Appoints Independent and Diverse Candidates to ICANN Leadership Positions
2005 - Nov 04 on You Paid to Join; You Can Leave Anytime
2005 - Nov 04 on You Paid to Join; You Can Leave Anytime
2005 - Nov 03 on You Paid to Join; You Can Leave Anytime
2005 - Oct 25 on VeriSign and ICANN Settle Lawsuit
2005 - Oct 25 on Forgotten Principles of Internet Governance
2005 - Oct 20 on Breaking the Internet HOWTO
2005 - Oct 13 on Breaking the Internet HOWTO
2005 - Oct 03 on If It's About to Break, Fix It!
2005 - Sep 15 on Sitefinder Writ Small
2005 - Sep 14 on .XXX as Proposed is Wrong for Families & Kids
2005 - Sep 13 on .XXX as Proposed is Wrong for Families & Kids
2005 - Aug 26 on Criticism of Trademark Owner Deemed Legitimate Interest under ICANN UDRP
2005 - Aug 18 on So You Think You're Safe from DNS Cache Poisoning?
2005 - Aug 03 on About Those Root Servers
2005 - Aug 02 on About Those Root Servers
2005 - Jul 01 on We Hate Spam Except, Of Course, When It's Inconvenient to Do So
2005 - Jun 30 on We Hate Spam Except, Of Course, When It's Inconvenient to Do So
2005 - Jun 22 on Twenty Myths and Truths About IPv6 and the US IPv6 Transition
2005 - Jun 22 on Hope for Human Resources with .Jobs Domain
2005 - Jun 21 on Hope for Human Resources with .Jobs Domain
2005 - Jun 02 on An Infrastructure TLD: Avoiding the Side Effects of Today's .Net
2005 - Apr 19 on Phish-Proofing URLs in Email?
2005 - Apr 19 on Study Finds Spammers Use P2P Harvesting to Spam Millions
2005 - Apr 17 on Port 25 Blocking, or Fix SMTP and Leave Port 25 Alone for the Sake of Spam?
2005 - Mar 20 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Mar 17 on Protecting the Internet: Certified Attachments and Reverse Firewalls?
2005 - Jan 04 on Person to Person Security and Privacy Infringement
2004 - Dec 24 on Engineers on TLDs: Do You Want Me With Fries?
2004 - Dec 04 on Cornucopia: A Radically Different Approach to TLDs
2004 - Dec 04 on Cornucopia: A Radically Different Approach to TLDs
2004 - Nov 19 on Thoughts on IPv6 Day
2004 - Nov 18 on Thoughts on IPv6 Day
2004 - Nov 18 on Thoughts on IPv6 Day
2004 - Nov 01 on Sender-ID Back from the Dead
2004 - Oct 19 on Internationalizing Top-Level Domain Names: Another Look
2004 - Oct 06 on Languages in the Root: A TLD Launch Strategy Based on ISO 639
2004 - Sep 21 on Can TCP/IP Survive?
2004 - Sep 02 on Sender ID: A Tale of Open Standards and Corporate Greed? - Part I
2004 - Aug 26 on What's Wrong With Spam Prosecutions
2004 - Aug 17 on Open Ends: Civil Society and Internet Governance - Part II
2004 - Aug 08 on Spam and the Introduction Problem
2004 - Jul 27 on Sender Address Verification: Solving the Spam Crisis
2004 - Jul 23 on The Site Finder Reprise
2004 - Jul 20 on 10 Reasons Why Involving Government in Spam Control is a Bad Idea

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsDomain NamesCybersecurityDomain ManagementCybercrimeICANNLawSpamRegional RegistriesUDRPCensorshipEmailBroadbandPolicy & RegulationNet NeutralityP2PTelecomThreat IntelligenceInternet GovernanceNetworksArtificial IntelligenceMalwareIPv6 TransitionInternet ProtocolRegistry ServicesMultilinguism IPv4 MarketsPrivacyCyberattackDDoS AttackMobile InternetVoIPDNS SecurityBrand ProtectionWirelessWebWhoisAccess ProvidersEnumCloud ComputingInternet of ThingsData CenterIPTV

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Comcast’s Network Management Practices: A Brief Analysis

What is Anti-Spam?

What’s in a Name?

Cornucopia: A Radically Different Approach to TLDs

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What is Anti-Spam?

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