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Synacor Provides a New Complaint Feedback Loop Service to the Internet Community

Last week, Synacor joined other major mailbox providers by introducing a complaint feedback loop service—powered by ReturnPath. This increases the number of public complaint feedback loops available today across the internet. This is a great contribution to the global fight against spam, providing an avenue to report spam via web-based services—amongst other means. This is also a mechanism for Synacor to funnel spam complaints (from a pool of large ISPs and telcos we support email for), back to a sender behind email messages. A few telcos/ISPs include Qwest Communications, CenturyLink, WideOpenWest, and others.

This new FBL service is a great way for senders to minimize complaints and complaint rates—as well as improve the quality and reputation of sending reputation across outbound mail streams’ traffic.

On this website, there’s a registration page available to senders and parties with outbound traffic who wish to register for the complaint feedback loop. This would facilitate an approval of an application prior to receiving feedback. Upon approval, complaint reports are forwarded to approved, registered senders. FBLs will come from IPs and, and confirmation and FBL messages will come from [email protected]. There’s also a “Frequently Asked Questions” page at The new service is at

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By Udeme Ukutt, Postmaster at Wish

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