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As of today, Innovative Auctions has successfully completed private auctions for a total of 18 contested generic Top-Level Domains, resolving contention for more gTLDs than all other mechanisms combined—including straight-up withdrawals, private negotiations, and swaps.
Here is this week’s update:
First-time auction participant Radix lost no time earlier today in sharing their excitement about winning .website, as reported earlier here on CircleID and on DomainIncite.
Whatbox, another first-time participant, will receive payments for withdrawing its applications for .fish and .discount.
Donuts won the other three contention sets auctioned this week—.lawyer, .discount, and .fish—and will be compensated for withdrawing from .website.
Finally, Top Level Domain Holdings (TLDH) will receive payments in exchange for withdrawing their applications for .website and .lawyer.
Participants in this week’s auctions commented on the “smooth process” (Bhavin Turakhia, Radix) and “well-performing software” (Fred Krueger, TLDH) and all bidders expressed interest in participating in future auctions.
Applicant Auctions are facilitated by Innovative Auctions Limited, and independently audited by Deloitte. Further Applicant Auctions will be held as applicants request them, on mutually agreed upon schedules—the next ones will likely take place in December. We look forward to congratulating participants from this auction in person and connecting with more applicants in Buenos Aires.
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