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ICANN Denies .GAY’s Request for Reconsideration

ICANN’s Board Governance Committee (BGC) today released its comments on recent reconsideration request of dotgay LLC’s new top-level domain .GAY application. Kevin Murphy from Domain Incite reports: “ICANN has refused dotgay LLC’s latest appeal against adverse .gay decisions, and has taken the unusual step of preemptively defending itself against probably inevitable accusations from gay right groups. On Monday, the Board Governance Committee threw out dotgay’s Request for Reconsideration, in which the company had asked for a third crack at the Community Priority Evaluation process that could have seen it win .gay without paying at auction.”

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DotMusic responds to Chris Disspain and ICANN Constantine Roussos  –  Feb 4, 2016 12:17 AM

DotMusic responds to Chris Disspain and ICANN concerning the ICANN BGC Determination against DotGay’s community application for .GAY: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/bgc-s-comments-on-recent-reconsideration-request

Dear Chris Disspain and ICANN:

In reviewing the BGC’s decision it seems mistakes have been made. The BGC determined that the .HOTEL CPE found no single organization “mainly” dedicated to the hotel community (P.27&28;). However the EIU did determine that the .HOTEL applicant had “support from the recognized community member organization” (.HOTEL CPE, P.6), the International Hotel & Restaurant Association (IH&RA;).

There’s no policy requiring an organization to represent a community in its entirety. CPE rules permit an “entity mainly dedicated to the community.” “Mainly” does not mean entirety. “Mainly could imply that the entity administering the community may have additional roles/functions.” (CPE Guidelines, P.4).

ILGA is an organization mainly dedicated to the gay community. If the IH&RA;is an entity “mainly” dedicated to the hotel community then why is ILGA not treated similarly? Just as restaurants were permitted for IH&RA;, the rest of the BTQIA community should be similarly be treated as falling under “other roles/functions” too, right?

The CPE process for DotGay’s .GAY application did violate ICANN CPE policies. The BGC determination again illustrates the inconsistent interpretations of AGB/CPE rules, going as far as to make statements that the EIU did not determine that the .HOTEL CPE had an organization mainly dedicated to the hotel community, when it did: the IHRA.

The music community is biting its nails waiting for the .MUSIC CPE decision (which clearly exceeds CPE criteria, See http://music.us/dotmusic-community-application-passes-cpe-consistent-with-eiu-determinations). CPE is the most frustrating, unpredictable process in ICANN’s history. Community applicants have worked diligently for years to meet the criteria and gather support. No doubt ICANN staff is working hard on the subject matter but decisions seem to be a coin toss. This lack of transparency, accountability and predictability is frustrating for community applicants relying on ICANN rules.

Constantine Roussos

Really sorry to hear this result .GAY Jean William  –  Feb 4, 2016 1:45 PM

Really sorry to hear this result .GAY but we are not at all surprised.  We’ve been locked out of ICANNWIKI.COM/.ECO and unable to share our story or update our status, which may have helped you.  When we do share our story we hope it will clarify how this community priority evaluation works and why you had great difficulty.

Until then - Good Luck!


p.s. – feel free to contact us at planet.ECO LLC (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)).  You have a friend.

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