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Upcoming Event: DNS Measurements Hackathon 2017

RIPE NCC will be hosting the fifth hackathon event in Amsterdam, on 20 and 21 April, 2017. Operators, designers, researchers and developers are invited to take on the challenge and join in developing new tools and visualizations for DNS measurements.

More about this event from RIPE NCC:

The RIPE NCC’s fifth hackathon event offers an opportunity for collaboration on the development of new tools for DNS operators using data provided by the RIPE NCC (via RIPE Atlas, DNSMON, etc.). The event will bring together people with a variety of skills so as to encourage the combination of different types of expertise and inspire creativity.

Participants in the hackathon will discover new ways of tapping into the rich source of DNS measurement data to devise and implement helpful tools and create informative visualizations. This is your chance to get involved, get in touch with other people working in your field, get access to the RIPE NCC’s DNS measurements data and get to work on making something that could be of benefit to the entire internet community.

When & Where:

Date: 20-21 April 2017
Time: Thursday 9:00-19:00, Friday: 9:00-21:00 (including social event)
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Interested in participating? See the full details here.

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