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Cycling Legend Greg LeMond Sues Cybersquatters Upward of $6.6 Million

A federal restraining order has been issued against a father and son accused of registering several domain names based on cycling legend Greg LeMond’s name and his company. In a story published in the Star Tribune today, Paul Walsh reports: “[LeMond] is alleging that the two are ‘cybersquatters,’ having taken control of 66 web addresses using the three-time Tour de France champion’s trademarked name and business, called Grail [such as lemondgrail.com and grailcarbon.us] ... U.S. District Judge John Tunheim’s temporary restraining order bars the Stinchfields, who live in Orono, from registering any additional domain names tied to the 56-year-old LeMond or his business, or transferring or selling the ones they control.” Raymond Hackney in a commentary in The Domains blog writes: “Over the years you run into people who don’t care much about trademark infringement… The thought was that if they got a UDRP they would just let the complainant take the domain name, no big whoop. But I would always say to these people, the complainant doesn’t have to go the UDRP route, they can go for damages under the ACPA.”

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