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IETF Appoints Its First Executive Director

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) today announced that Jay Daley is appointed as the first permanent Executive Director of the organization. IETF had 134 applicants for the position since it began the hiring process in May of this year. Daley recently served as interim President and CEO of the Public Interest Registry (PIR) and will continue to serve on their board. Previously he was CEO of NZRS, the domain name registry for New Zealand’s .nz ccTLD, and led technology at Nominet UK, the official registry for .UK domain names. Jason Livingood, IETF Administration LLC Board Chair, says: “The new IETF Executive Director joins us at a crucial time with a number of key contracts out for tender (RFPs), so Jay will start work on those right away, while also contributing to the ongoing bootstrapping of the LLC through the development of internal policies and processes, development of a long-term fundraising and sponsorship strategy, long-term organizational strategy for the LLC and ED role, and much more.”

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