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CENTR Releases 2024 TLD Insights

Global domain registrations. Source: CENTR

The CENTR Global TLD Report 2024 highlights a modest growth in registered domains across the EU, with a notable increase in Poland, France, and Italy, primarily through their national ccTLDs. On the other hand, the .com domain has seen stagnation and decline in Europe, with other gTLDs like .bond, .store, .online, and .info experiencing growth.

ccTLD Performance: European ccTLDs experienced a median growth rate of 1.4% in 2023, with more domains being registered than deleted, though deletions are on the rise. The adoption of DNSSEC continues to grow, and while the initial purchase price for European ccTLDs has decreased, renewal prices are increasing.

Global Domain Landscape: Globally, there are between 360-370 million domains across 1456 TLDs, with .com holding 45% of the market share. The growth rate among the top 300 TLDs was 2.6%, indicating a diversified yet challenging global domain environment.

Technological Impacts: The report speculates on the impact of Large Language Models like ChatGPT on domain registrations, suggesting a potential shift in how domains are used and valued. It also discusses the evolving online landscape, including the rise of service and content aggregation sites and the implications of EU regulations on domain registrations.

Full report available here.

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