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Luxembourg to Offer Investor-friendly Legal Environment for Domain Names

EuroDNS, the Luxembourg registrar, used its well attended New Year party last Wednesday to invite the Minister of Telecoms, Jean-louis Schiltz to talk about a law voted at the end of December 2007. According to the Finance and Budget Commission Report on Draft Law 5801, Revenues generated from use of, or license to use, a Domain Name are exempted from Luxembourg corporate taxes up to 80%.

This is of course excellent news for EuroDNS, but also for domain name investors, both in Luxembourg and worldwide. ICANN will probably launch a RFP for new Top-Level Domains (TLDs) next June in Paris. As such, someone took the opportunity to mention that Luxembourg would be an ideal place to launch a new generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD). The proposed gTLD floating around seems so obvious it is surprising no-one though about it before. At this stage, I cannot expand any further until this proposal is formalized, but stay tuned for more news.

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By Patrick Vande Walle, All around Internet governance troublemaker

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