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A Record Year for .ORG at the Webby Awards

The Webby Awards “celebrates sites that pave important paths to the Internet’s next phase,” according to the Wall Street Journal. If so, .ORG sites are doing their part by winning 14 of 69 categories, beating last year’s number by 3. This means that 20% of Webby Award winners are .ORG sites.

The Webby Award winners are selected by Members of The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences from the best work entered through the Call for Entries. Evaluated against a number of criteria, the work undergoes a rigorous process to win the coveted Webby Award. The general public also has a vote by way of the People’s Voice award. In this category, 15 .ORG sites took home the honors, an increase of 2 from last year. Winning categories include, activism, art, associations, best practices, charitable organizations, nonprofits, cultural institutions, education, family & parenting, law, lifestyle, politics, radio & podcast, weird, and youth.

It’s great to see that the International Academy of Digital Arts and Science, as well as the public, recognize the .ORG community’s efforts and ability to create compelling and outstanding websites. On behalf of .ORG, The Public Interest Registry, cheers to all 29 winners, and to all the nominees!

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By .ORG, The Original Purpose-Driven Generic Top-Level Domain

Public Interest Registry (PIR) is a nonprofit that operates the .ORG top-level domain – one of the world’s largest generic top-level domains with more than 10.6 million domain names registered worldwide. PIR has been a champion for a free and open Internet for two decades with a clear mission to be an exemplary domain name registry, provide a trusted digital identity and help educate those who dedicate themselves to improving our world.

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