
Cyberattack / Most Commented

North Korea’s Spy Agency Behind WannaCry

According to a report from The Washington Post, the NSA has linked the North Korean government to the creation of the WannaCry ransomeware that resulted in affecting over 300,000 people in almost 150 countries last month. more

FBI, DHS Release Technical Details on North Korea’s DDoS Botnet Infrastructure

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI today released a technical alert based joint-effort analysis of methods behind North Korea’s cyberattacks. more

Russian Interference More Vigorous than Assumed, Over 39 States Targeted During Election

"Voter databases and software systems in an overwhelming number of states -- 39 to be exact -- were targeted by Russian cyberattacks over the summer and fall of 2016," Allegra Kirkland reporting today in TPM more

Canadian Internet Registration Authority Launches Cloud-Based DNS Firewall Service

The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) has announced the launch of a security service called D-Zone DNS Firewall -- a cloud-based cybersecurity solution -- to protect Canadian organizations from rasomware and malware. more

Al Jazeera Under Systematic Cyberattack

The websites and digital platforms of Qatar-based Al Jazeera Media Network are undergoing systematic and continual hacking attempts, the news agency reported a few hours ago on its website. more

NTIA Issues RFC, Asks for Input on Dealing With Botnets and DDoS Attacks

NTIA issued a Request for Comments today asking for broad input from "all interested stakeholders, including private industry, academia, civil society, and other security experts," on actions against botnets and distributed attacks. more

Major Regulatory Changes Needed as Safety and Security Merge, Warns European Commission Report

As we increasingly move towards an IoT world, vendors of safety-critical devices will be patching their systems just as regularly as phone and computer vendors do now. Researchers warn that many regulators who previously thought only in terms of safety will have to start thinking of security as well. more

At Least One U.S. Voting Software Supplier Cyberattacked by Russians, According to Leaked Document

Russia's military intelligence agency launched a cyberattack just days before Election Day 2016 on a U.S. software supplier that provides voting services and systems, according to a top secret report posted Monday by The Intercept. more

Good Samaritans with Network Visibility

In a big open office 30 feet from me, a team of US Veterans speak intently on the phone to businesses large and small, issuing urgent warnings of specific cyber security threats. They call to get stubborn, confused people to take down hidden ransomware distribution sites. They call with bad news that a specific computer at the business has malware that steals login credentials. more

Conventional Thinking Won’t Work in New Era of ISIS & ‘Unprecedented’ Cyber & Non-Cyber Attacks

Conventional thinking or solutions will no longer work in the new era of ISIS and the 'Unprecedented' cyber and non-cyber attacks we live in today. Like it or not, everyone is impacted, and no one is immune. Whether you are an average citizen, a chairman or CEO of a multinational, or a government or academic institution leader, the questions to ponder are: Do you know what to do next? Do you know what the solution is? more

Emergency Patch Issued for Samba, WannaCry-type Bug Exploitable with One Line of Code

The team behind the free networking software Samba has issued and emergency patch for a remote code execution vulnerability. more

Bell Canada Discloses Loss of 1.9 Million Email Addresses to Hacker, Says No Relation to WannaCry

Bell Canada, nation’s largest telecommunications company, disclosed late on Monday the illegal access of Bell customer information by an anonymous hacker. more

WannaCry: Patching Dilemma from the Other Side

WannaCry, originated firstly in state projects but spread by other actors, has touched upon myriads of infrastructure such as hospitals, telecommunication, railroads that many countries have labelled as critical. IT engineers are hastily presenting patching codes in various localized versions. The other patch needed, however, is more than technical. It is normative and legislative. The coding of that patch for a situation like this is in two layers of dilemma. more

It’s Up to Each of Us: Why I WannaCry for Collaboration

WannaCry, or WannaCrypt, is one of the many names of the piece of ransomware that impacted the Internet last week, and will likely continue to make the rounds this week. There are a number of takeaways and lessons to learn from the far-reaching attack that we witnessed. Let me tie those to voluntary cooperation and collaboration which together represent the foundation for the Internet's development. more

WannaCry Ransomware Cyberattack Spreading to Countries Across the World, 45K Attacks Reported So Far

Security researchers are reporting a massive attack today, dubbed "WannaCry", which has reached 45,000 attacks in 74 countries around the world so far, mostly in Russia. more