
Cybercrime / Industry Updates

Shopping Online for Toys Safely: Protecting Consumers in the Holiday Season

When the holidays roll around every year, online searches for toys increase, giving counterfeiters the opportunity to sell knock-offs of popular items. This time of year can prove expensive -- not just in terms of cash flow, but safety too. Consumers looking for a bargain may not even think about toy safety, or recognize that they're buying a fake, inferior product. more

Are Cybersquatting Campaigns Targeting Airlines Taking Off?

Details about an ongoing cybersquatting campaign targeting Turkish Airlines were recently unveiled, naming 13 malicious domains connected to the threat. As one of our primary goals is to expand published lists of indicators of compromise (IoCs), we dug deeper into the campaign to determine if the threat is confined to Turkish Airlines or if other industry players are at risk as well. more

Cybersecurity During the Busiest Shopping Days of the Year

The holiday season is just around the corner, and with that, shoppers are starting to make their lists. According to an Adobe Report, the 2020 holiday season exceeded $188 billion in online sales in the United States alone, an increase of 32% compared with 2019. more

Majority of World’s Largest Companies Susceptible to Phishing and Brand Abuse Due to Improper Domain Security

We have recently released our annual Domain Security Report: Forbes Global 2000 Companies, which found that despite the shift to modernize business environments and operations among the Global 2000 companies, web domains remain dangerously under-protected. more

Phorpiex Botnet Extortion: DNS Facts and Findings

The Phorpiex botnet has been operating for years now. It first focused on distributing old-school worms that spread via infected USB drives or through chats that relied on the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol. more

Could the LGBTQ Community Be a Target of Internet Threat Actors?

Pride month is celebrated worldwide. While it's meant to be a time of celebration for members of the LGBTQ community and their families and supporters, its popularity has also made it a possible target of cyber threats. In this post, we look at potentially dangerous Internet properties that have been registered both recently and over the years. more

Domains Are a Critical Component of Your Enterprise Risk Management

A recent report "Domain Security: A Critical Component of Enterprise Risk Management" published by the Interisle Consulting Group highlights why domain security should be a critical component of enterprise risk management, a proposal that resonates closely with what we at CSC advocate. more

Are There More Properties Connected to the Pareto Botnet?

The Pareto botnet, known for using almost a million infected Android devices to spoof people seemingly watching ads on smart TVs, was reportedly taken down recently through the collaboration of industry players, notably Roku and Google. more

A Glimpse of Big Telcos’ Domains and Subdomains Footprints

Telecommunications companies are a favored cyberattack target. After all, telcos build, control, and operate critical infrastructure that almost everyone uses to communicate. They also store large amounts of sensitive data that could easily be exploited when falling into the wrong hands. more

Return on Investment: Proving That Protection Pays

Brand protection costs money and requires a big investment of time and effort. Because of that, brand owners are tasked with proving to management that the return on investment is worth it when working with an external service provider. more