

Cybersecurity / Most Viewed

Ukraine Conflict Transformed the Cyber Threat Landscape, Says Google

According to a recent analysis, the cyber threat landscape has changed dramatically one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Google TAG, Mandiant, and Trust & Safety have released a report titled, Fog of War: How the Ukraine Conflict Transformed the Cyber Threat Landscape, based on analysis from Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG), Mandiant, and Google Trust & Safety. more

Major International Botnet Disabled Says U.S. Department of Justice

The U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI announced on Wednesday that they have taken actions to disable an international botnet of more than two million infected computers responsible for stealing corporate data including user names, passwords and financial information. more

Canadian Energy Firms at Bigger Risk of Cyberattack

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) is reported to have warned companies about an increasing risk of cyber espionage and attacks on pipelines, oil storage and shipment facilities. more

Nitro Attacks Target the Chemical Industry

New security report has revealed at least 48 companies involved in research, development, manufacturing of chemicals and advanced materials have been victims of a coordinated cyberattack traced to a source in China. The purpose of the attacks, code named Nitro, appear to be industrial espionage, collecting intellectual property for competitive advantage, according to Symantec. more

Major Organizations Overlooking High Priority Security Risks, Too Much Focus on OS

According to a new security report released today by SANS Institute, TippingPoint and Qualys, the number of vulnerabilities found in applications in the last few years is far greater than the number of vulnerabilities discovered in operating systems. "On average, major organizations take at least twice as long to patch client-side vulnerabilities as they take to patch operating system vulnerabilities. In other words the highest priority risk is getting less attention than the lower priority risk." more

MANRS Observatory: Monitoring the State of Internet Routing Security

Routing security is vital to the future and stability of the Internet, but it's under constant threat. Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is a global initiative, driven by the networking community and supported by the Internet Society, aiming to reduce the most common threats to the Internet's routing system through technical and collaborative action. more

Malware Detection Declining, Anti-Phishing Filters Detect Less than 50% of Attacks, Says Report

A study comparing best-of-breed computer security vendors suggests more than half of active malware and phishing threats on the Internet go undetected, with an average detection rate of 37% for malware and 42% for phishing. "Given the dynamic nature of today's online threats and the traditionally reactive approach taken by today's malware and phishing detection technology, conventional signature-based solutions are inherently at a disadvantage to keep up," said Panos Anastassiadis, CEO and Chairman of Cyveillance. "Because the majority of damage occurs during the first 24 hours of an attack, early detection of attacks is crucial." more

Europol Warns on the Criminal Usage of ChatGPT and Its Implications for Law Enforcement

Europol's Innovation Lab released a Tech Watch Flash report on Monday, sounding the alarm on the potential misuse of large language models such as ChatGPT. Entitled 'ChatGPT - the Impact of Large Language Models on Law Enforcement,' the report provides an urgent overview of the implications of ChatGPT for criminals and law enforcement, as well as an outlook of what may still be to come. more

NIST Issues Smart Grid Cybersecurity Guidelines

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued today its first Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security, which includes high-level security requirements, a framework for assessing risks, an evaluation of privacy issues at personal residences, and additional information for businesses and organizations to use as they craft strategies to protect the modernizing power grid from attacks, malicious code, cascading errors, and other threats. more

How Much Did the U.S. Wireless Carriers “Earn” From “Location Information Aggregators”?

The FCC lawfully fined U.S. facilities-based wireless carriers nearly $200 million for selling highly intrusive location data about subscribers without their "opt-in" consent. In Section 222 of the Communications Act, Congress comprehensively specified how the carriers bore an affirmative duty of care not to disclose clearly defined Customer Proprietary Information ("CPNI"). The Act explicitly required the FCC, and no other agency, to protect telecommunications consumers. more

New Research Reveals 56% Rise in Cost of Cybercrime

New research indicates cyberattacks increasingly plague businesses and government organizations, resulting in significant financial impact, despite widespread awareness. Conducted by the Ponemon Institute, the Second Annual Cost of Cyber Crime Study revealed that the median annualized cost of cybercrime incurred by a benchmark sample of organizations was $5.9 million per year, with a range of $1.5 million to $36.5 million each year per organization. This represents an increase of 56 percent from the median cost reported in the inaugural study published in July 2010. more

There is Always a Back Door

A long time ago, I worked in a secure facility. I won't disclose the facility; I'm certain it no longer exists, and the people who designed the system I'm about to describe are probably long retired. Soon after being transferred into this organization, someone noted I needed to be trained on how to change the cipher door locks. We gathered up a ladder, placed the ladder just outside the door to the secure facility, popped open one of the tiles on the drop ceiling, and opened a small metal box with a standard, low-security key. more

The Missing Piece of the Security Conference Circuit

So far this year I think I've attended 20+ security conferences around the world - speaking at many of them. Along the way, I got to chat with hundreds of attendees and gather their thoughts on what they hoped to achieve or learn at each of these conferences. In way too many cases I think the conference organizers have missed the mark. I'd like to offer the following thoughts and feedback to the people organizing and facilitating these conferences (especially those catering to local security professionals). more

ITU Putting Global Cyber Security on Top of Its Agenda

Lisa Schlein of the Voice of America reports: "A new system for tackling the growing number of Global Cyber Attacks has been unveiled at ITU Telecom World 2009, a mammoth exhibition, which showcases the latest advances in ICT or information and communications technology. The International Telecommunications Union, which is sponsoring the event, has put global cyber security at the heart of its agenda. 'As you well know, the next world war could happen in the cyber space and that would be a catastrophe,' said ITU secretary-general, Hamdoun Toure." more

Pokemon Go Server Outage, Hacking Group Claims Credit

OurMine claims credit for DDoS attack on Pokemon Go servers: Several news outlets have reported the hacking group OurMine - also notorious for compromising social media accounts of various celebrities - on Monday took responsibility of hacking the game servers. more