Domain Names


Domain Names / Industry Updates

Afilias to Provide Technology Powering the .eco New TLD

Today Afilias, a leading provider of Internet infrastructure services, announced that is has been selected by Big Room Inc. as the registry services provider for its application to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for a new .eco domain during the upcoming new top-level domain (new TLD) application process. more

AusRegistry International Announces Implementation of Industry-Leading IDN Registry System

The introduction of Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) represents one of the most significant advancements in the history of the internet. A majority of internet users today have a first language other than English and many languages utilise characters not currently available within the DNS. IDNs provide these users with the capability to navigate the internet using their native language scripts. more

.ORG First Open Top-Level Domain to be Signed with DNSSEC

Today, .ORG, The Public Interest Registry, the company behind the .ORG domain name, is the first open generic Top-Level Domain to successfully sign the .ORG zone file with Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC). To date, the .ORG zone is the largest domain registry to implement the security measure. more

Perspectives from a Nonprofit Domain Name Registry on Navigating the Social Media Frontier

At .ORG, we are big fans of using and managing multiple social media vehicles to promote engagement and interactivity within our global community. In our experience, there are many advantages to this approach... We're currently using Twitter, Flickr, our Blog, YouTube, and Facebook as the major ways to reach out to and engage our .ORG community on an ongoing basis. more

The DNSSEC Industry Coalition Announces the Formation of Its Registrar Review Team

The DNSSEC Industry Coalition announces today the formation of its Registrar Review Team following the 34th public meeting of the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in Mexico City, Mexico. The Registrar Review Team is comprised of companies that will provide the coalition with valuable information from a registrar's unique perspective. more

Survey Results: .ORG Domains are Informative, Trustworthy and Valuable

We conducted a brand survey at the end of 2008, reaching out to 10,000 Internet users across Europe and North America. We wanted to get a reading on two primary points -- what types of organizations does a .ORG domain represent, and what characteristics are associated with a .ORG domain name. more

auDA Extends AusRegistry’s au Registry Term to 2014

auDA today announced that it has extended its au Registry Licence Agreement with AusRegistry. AusRegistry will now continue as Registry Operator and wholesale provider for all commercial domain names including and and non-commercial domain names, and until 2014. more

DNSSEC FUD Buster: DNSSEC Slows the Internet?

.ORG, The Public Interest Registry, DNSSEC FUD Buster series continues this month with a piece authored by Andrew Sullivan. Andrew works for Shinkuro, an organization that interests and expertise lie in secure Internet capabilities. more

.ORG at the DOMAINfest Global 2009 Conference

I attended the DOMAINfest Global conference this week in Hollywood, California. There were a great number of learning sessions on domain name acquisition, and value-driving strategies including build-out and monetization. more

Committed to Keeping the Internet a Safe Place

.ORG, The Public Interest Registry (PIR) is committed to providing a model for exemplary Registry practices. In furtherance of this goal, PIR has been working proactively to address domain name abuses including phishing, malware, child pornography, and spam distribution. more