Before the righteous too much deride the "International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace" emanating from China's cooperative one-party state, consider what progress it represents: a policy document that begins with principles, speaks often of cooperation, and clearly details the bilateral and multilateral approaches the country intends. By any measure, this is good practice from a keystone of the international system. And it offers a gift to those who would wish the Internet to be governed otherwise. more
"Sen. Ted Cruz wants to engineer a United States takeover of a key Internet organization, ICANN, in the name of protecting freedom of expression," said Tim Berners-Lee and Daniel Weitzner in a co-op piece today in the Washington post. more
Mary Iqbal writes to report that ICANN has released the fifth round of Initial Evaluation results, bringing the total number of applications that have passed the Initial Evaluation phase to 169. ICANN is targeting completing Initial Evaluation for all applicants by August 2013. more
In preparation for the upcoming ICANN 53rd meeting in Argentina, Lawrence Strickling, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator, reminds the community that "one of NTIA's top priorities continues to be the transition of NTIA's role related to the Internet Domain Name System." more
We've had snow storms recently in the UK, so there is much talk about storms. It strikes me that some might view the current issues at Nominet as a storm in a teacup – a small event that has been exaggerated out of all proportion. Not unsurprisingly, I don't agree. I think that the storm has already had a significant effect on Nominet... more
ICANN has a choice: it can promote the arts or destroy their common identity. ".ART " can become an authentic Internet address for the arts and represent its community. We are on the cusp of an extraordinary opportunity with the simple use of a single word: a virtual place within the Internet for the arts and a virtual palace to the arts built site-by-site by millions of artists and art institutions each with an individualized artistic contribution gathered around the simple namespace of ".ART." more
"A Los Angeles court has rejected a demand for a preliminary injunction preventing ICANN delegating .africa, meaning the new gTLD can go live soon," Kevin Murphy reporting Domain Incite. more
"Internet overseer ICANN will push ahead with a new ".africa" top-level domain, despite having twice been ordered not to because of serious questions over how it handled the case," Kieren McCarthy reporting in The Register more
After a seven-year long process of transferring Rwanda's Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD), ".rw" from Belgium, finally Rwandans can now manage their national identity, reports AllAfrica. more
In an article entitled "Celebrating and Protecting the Global Internet" in Bloomberg BNA, US Ambassador Sepulveda and US Commerce Dept Assistant Secretary Strickling defend the transition of IANA oversight to the global multistakeholder community. more
It would have been difficult to plan for this no-man's-land period we find ourselves in this spring as ICANN rectifies, resets and finally closes their new TLD application window. But for those of us with applications in the black-box hopper, we soldier on. From a marketing standpoint, there are three things we are working on with our partner clients with applications submitted, and if you're in the game too, you might want to consider similar actions. more
The choices for consumers and business in Europe to get themselves online have never been so great. Social media, apps and blogsites all have made a lasting impression, and we are now in an increasingly crowded market with the addition of hundreds of new gTLDs. So how has all this affected growth and market shares among domain names in Europe? more
In the weeks leading up to ICANN63, CircleID in collaboration with ICANN invited community members to send their thoughts reflecting on the early days of ICANN and some of the points over the last 20 years that stand out in their memory. And the response was tremendous! Thank you, everyone, for your responses and thoughtful contributions. Below you will find the collection of blogs that we have featured in past weeks. Enjoy! more
Congratulations and thanks to ICANN for hosting the North America Regional meeting at the Sheraton in downtown Toronto, Canada. This event was done first class and was in my opinion a highly successful meeting... At this regional ICANN meeting many interesting topics were covered. Some topics though not at the foremost of my mind, surprisingly were not only highly interesting but very informative. more
Kevin Murphy reporting in DomainIncite: "NTIA boss Larry Strickling has come out in support of ICANN and its new top-level domains program, warning that its opponents 'provide ammunition' to authoritarian regimes. Speaking in Washington DC yesterday, Strickling warned that organizations fighting to put a stop to the new gTLD program risk provoking a UN takeover of the internet." more