Threat Intelligence



Reverse WHOIS: A Powerful Process in Cybersecurity

WHOIS History API: Powering Domain Investigations

Domain Research and Monitoring: Keeping an Eye on the Web for You

Threat Intelligence / Industry Updates

Uncovering Other DarkTortilla Threat Vectors

As an age-old digital threat, phishing just continues to grow in sophistication over time, as DarkTortilla showed. Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) published a technical analysis of the threat specifically targeting Cisco and Grammarly. Are there other potential threat vectors, though? more

RedLine Stealer: IoC Analysis and Expansion

For roughly US$100, threat actors can purchase RedLine Stealer, a malware-as-a-service (MaaS) program first detected in March 2020 that continues to wreak havoc to this day. The malware can steal information from infected devices, including autocomplete and saved information on browsers. more

Own a Facebook Business? Beware of Ducktail

WithSecure recently unveiled a malicious campaign dubbed "Ducktail," which trailed its sights on Facebook business owners and advertisers. Believed to be run by Vietnamese operators, Ducktail uses malware to steal data from victims and hijack vulnerable Facebook business properties. more

Is Aurora as Stealthy as Its Operators Believe?

Stealth is a typical goal for most threat actors when launching malware and other attacks. The better hidden a malware is, the more effective an attack becomes. And that is what fast-rising data stealer Aurora is gaining notoriety for. more

Exposing the New Potential Ways Royal Ransomware Gets Delivered

DEV -- 0569, a threat actor Microsoft has been monitoring, was recently observed deploying Royal ransomware via pages posing as legitimate software download sites and repositories, among other stealthy tactics. He has so far used fake download sites for Adobe Flash Player, AnyDesk, Zoom, and TeamViewer in phishing emails and domains. more

WhoisXML API Launches Regulation-Specific IP Data Feeds

WhoisXML API's IP intelligence now includes Regulatory Compliance IP Data Feeds available as separate IP geolocation and IP netblocks files. These data feeds are filtered to only provide the IP geolocation and ownership data of IP addresses from sanctioned or restricted locations as specified by different regulatory authorities. more

Why Domain Seizure May Not Stop Money Mule Recruitment Campaigns

In the realm of cybersecurity, seizing domains unfortunately doesn't always mean the end for the threats they pose. Such could be the case for the 18 domains U.S. law enforcement agents recently took offline for their ties to a money mule recruitment operation reported by Bleeping Computer. more

From Counties to Banks: Tracing the Footprint of Ransomware Attack IoCs

SecurityScorecard published a report on a cyber attack that a U.S. county victim announced on 11 September 2022. With ransomware attacks against local government units increasing in the past few years, WhoisXML API researchers decided to build on the list of IP addresses related to the attacks. more

Watch Out, That Browser Extension Could Be Cloud9 in Disguise

Zimperium zLabs threat researchers recently reported the case of the Cloud9 Chrome Botnet, and rightly so. Many of us seem to forget just how much information cybercriminals can steal from our browsers. more

Is There More to the New Transparent Tribe TTPs?

The Pakistan-India rivalry has been going on for some time now, not just in sports events but also online in the form of cyber attacks. Zscaler ThreatLabz has been monitoring a result of this ongoing friction -- Transparent Tribe, also known as "APT -- 36" -- since the start of this year. more