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.BUILD Enters Landrush with Support of ARI Registry Services

The building and construction industry is set for the biggest digital revolution in its history with the registration of the first retail .BUILD domain names occurring at UTC 15:00 Monday 31 March 2014 (AEST 2:00am Tuesday 1 April 2014).

The .BUILD Top-Level Domain entered Landrush this week which provides interested registrants their first opportunity to stake claim over the most highly sought after .BUILD domain names.

.BUILD is designed specifically for the online needs of the building industry and beyond. From toys to towers, .BUILD will be the Internet hub for builders of every kind.

This means rather than construction business’ web addresses ending in a traditional .com or .net, contractors and everyone associated with the building industry around the world will be able to more accurately represent themselves online with a .BUILD web address.

Jeremy Ebbels, General Manager—Registry Services—Global Division at ARI Registry Services, congratulated .BUILD on the achievement.

“We’ve already seen the building and construction industry embrace the .BUILD Top-Level Domain and I’m extremely proud that our technology is supporting this exciting initiative,” Mr Ebbels said.

“As one of the leading back-end providers, ARI Registry Services is already supporting five newly delegated Top-Level Domains, including the first .brand TLD from Monash University and the first Internationalised Top-Level Domain from dotShabaka Registry. .BUILD is another successful launch for our team.

“With more than 100 strings on our list, we look forward to many more launches in the coming months,” Mr Ebbels said.

George Minardos, CEO at .BUILD, welcomed the announcement.

“The .BUILD Top-Level Domain will be more than just another generic domain namespace; it will be an online community dedicated to serving the global building industry through enhanced search, website design, news, information and virtual markets,” Mr. Minardos said.

“We are excited to be part of creating an online community designed specifically for the building world. Our aim is to construct the most authoritative location on the web for content related to the building and construction industries.”

“For the first time in Internet history every builder can get a descriptive domain name which says exactly who they are and what they do. With a .BUILD extension, your website and email address will instantly communicate your company’s business in a way .com, .net or .org can never do.”

Mr Minardos thanked ARI Registry Services for its support of .BUILD.

“We could not have achieved this milestone without the guidance and support of ARI Registry Services. Their technical expertise and knowledge of the program has been invaluable in the launch of our new Top-Level Domain.”

Today’s commencement of Landrush registrations for .BUILD follows a recent announcement by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) of its joint initiative to provide new .BUILD domain names to its membership focused on the construction industry.

This follows a similar joint marketing initiative with The Blue Book Network to provide .BUILD domain names to its customers.

.BUILD domain names are currently available for registration. For an updated list of retailers please visit

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By ARI Registry Services, The TLD Specialists

ARI Registry Services is driving innovation and the expansion of the Internet through the delivery of world-class domain name registry services. With over 10 years of experience, ARI Registry Services is a leading provider of Domain Name Registry Infrastructure Services and DNS Services for generic Top-Level Domain applicants and country code Registry Operators. We help governments, major brands and entrepreneurs across the globe realise the full potential of the Internet by providing expertise, security and reliability in operating a core piece of Internet infrastructure.

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