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New MailYourBallot.vote Site Supports Vote-By-Mail Amid COVID Concerns

Monolith Registry, the registry operator for the dotVOTE web address today announces the launch of MailYourBallot.vote, a fast, easy to use central location to find the latest information about how to vote by mail in YOUR state.

In the age of COVID-19, many voters are interested in voting by mail to avoid potential exposure to the virus. Unfortunately, learning HOW to vote by mail is difficult, as every state has different rules and puts this critical information in a different place. For example, 7 states (IN, LA, MI, SC, TX, YN and KY) restrict voting by mail to elderly voters only and 29 states (plus Washington, D.C.) only allow it in federal elections. Recently, governors of two states (NY and KY) ordered absentee ballot applications to be sent to all of their states’ voters.

MailYourBallot.vote is an easy to use directory that puts accurate, up-to-date information for every state in a single website.

“The dotVote team has prepared a one-stop website that allows voters across the country to find out how to vote by mail in their state,” said Chuck Warren, president of the domain registry for .VOTE and .VOTO. “A web space dedicated to free and fair elections, .VOTE is where effective voter engagement begins!”

With two-thirds of Americans concerned that COVID-19 will disrupt the important 2020 elections, MailYourBallot.vote is a timely resource to help ensure a successful election.

For more information about the .VOTE and .VOTO domains, please visit: www.get.vote and www.get.voto. You can also follow .VOTE/.VOTO on social media: Facebook Dot VOTE & Dot VOTO; Twitter @dotVOTE

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