
Cyberattack / News Briefs

An Investigation Shows How Bomb Threat Scammers Hijacked Thousands of Big-Name Domains

Ars Technica's Dan Goodin reports that an "investigation shows the spam run worked by abusing a weakness at GoDaddy that allowed the scammers to hijack at least 78 domains belonging to Expedia, Mozilla, Yelp, and other legitimate people or organizations." more

US Department of Homeland Security Issues Emergency Directive Ordering Agencies to Audit DNS Records

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued a rare "emergency" directive ordering federal agencies to audit all DNS records within ten days. more

Global DNS Record Manipulation, Hijacking Campaign at Massive Scale Linked to Iran

A wave of DNS hijacking is reported to have affected dozens of domains belonging to government, telecommunications and internet infrastructure entities across the Middle East and North Africa, Europe and North America. more

McAfee Labs 2018 Report Reveals 480 New Threats Per Minute, Sharp Increase in IoT-Focused Malware

In its latest quarterly report, McAfee Labs has reported seeing an average of 480 new threats per minute and a sharp increase in malware targeting IoT devices. more

Latest Wave of Organized Phishing Attacks Beat Two-Factor Authentication

Researchers at Certfa Lab provide a review of the latest wave of organized phishing attacks by Iranian state-backed hackers which succeeded by compromising 2-factor authentication. more

Chinese Hackers Have Infiltrated US Navy Contractors to Steal Range of Data Including Missile Plans

Chinese hackers have breached U.S. Navy contractors to steal a wide range of data from ship-maintenance data to missile plans through what is reported as the most debilitating cyber campaigns linked to Beijing. more

Criminals Using New Phishing Techniques to Hide from Victims and Investigators, Reports APWG

According to the APWG's new Phishing Activity Trends Report released today, phishers are using new techniques to carry out their attacks and hide their origins in order to make the most of every phishing campaign. more

Hackers Behind Marriott Breach Left Clues Suggesting Link to Chinese Government

Hackers behind the massive data breach of the hotel group Marriott International Inc have left clues suggesting ties to the Chinese government intelligence-gathering operation. more

Strange Email Used to Inform Marriott Customers About the Massive Data Breach

Millions of email warnings were sent out by Marriot on Friday to warn customers about the massive data breach which has affected close to half a billion guest data. more

Paris Cyber Agreement Has Grown to More Than 450 Signatories

The "Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace," announced by French President at the Paris Peace Forum on November 13, has attracted more than 450 signatories. more

US, Russia and China Stay Out of Paris International Cybersecurity Pact

US, China and Russia have refused to sign the French-backed agreement, Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, announced by French President at the UNESCO Internet Governance Forum (IGF) on Monday. more

Weekend Cyberattack on Pakistani bank reported to be a Historic $6 Million Loss, Bank Denies Claim

Karachi-based Bank Islami revealed Saturday morning that it had detected abnormal transactions resulting in 2.6 million Pakistani rupees, roughly $19,500 and precautionary steps where taken immediately. more

Yahoo Agrees to Pay $50M and Other Costs for the Massive Security Breach Disclosed in 2016

Yahoo today announced it has agreed to pay $50 million in damages and will offer two years of free credit-monitoring services to 200 million people whose email addresses and other personal information were stolen as part of the massive security breach. more

Most Cyberattacks Are From Hostile States, Reports U.K.‘s National Cyber Security Centre

A report from the U.K.'s National Cyber Security Centre blames hostile foreign states for the majority of the 1,167 attacks dealt with in the past two years. more

Facebook Security Vulnerability Allowed Attackers to Steal User Access Tokens Affecting 50 Million

Facebook alerted users today that its engineering team on Tuesday had discovered a security issue affecting almost 50 million accounts. more