Domain Names


Domain Names / Industry Updates

Telcos Are on Phishers’ Radar, Who Is at Risk?

The November 2021 PhishLabs Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence Report indicated the finance, social media, and telecommunications industries as phishers’ most targeted sectors. Last month, we analyzed a squatting campaign targeting U.S. Bancorp to determine if other banks were at risk, this time we’ll look into the top 3 phishing industry target – telecommunications. more

Locky Ransomware: Still a Threat as List of IoCs Grows

Locky has been around since 2016, contributing to the total amount lost to ransomware worldwide, which has to this day reached US$20 billion in the U.S. alone. It usually gets delivered to users’ computers via emails with malicious attachments in the form of macro-laden Word documents. more

Radix’s .Store Domains Bring Forth Nearly 5000 Store Ideas Through the #IdeaToStore Contest

Radix's .Store Domains recently announced the closure of their #IdeaToStore contest, sponsored by Shopify. The contest invited aspiring entrepreneurs to share their ideas for an online store, and nearly 5000 people signed up. The winners walked away with cash prizes up to $30,000 along with exclusive Q&A and mentoring from the judges. more

Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief: 364.6 Million Domain Name Registrations in Q3 2021

Today, we released the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief, which shows that the third quarter of 2021 closed with 364.6 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains, a decrease of 2.7 million domain name registrations, or 0.7%, compared to the second quarter of 2021. more

Facebook Is Now Meta, Will Threat Actors Ride the Wave?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, on 28 October in Connect 2021, introduced Meta, which will be Facebook’s parent company, along with the organization’s various apps and technologies. According to Zuckerberg, "Meta’s focus will be to bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities, and grow businesses." more

Are Banks and Their Customers Once Again at Risk of Typosquatting Woes?

A typosquatting campaign targeting U.S. Bancorp was uncovered a few weeks ago, potentially posing a threat to the financial institution and its customers. As of this writing, four domains and their IP resolutions were identified as indicators of compromise (IoCs). more

Insurance Companies Are The Target of Recent Cybersquatting Campaigns

An ongoing cybersquatting campaign targeting MetLife, a global insurance company, was reported by IBM Exchange X-Force, listing 12 malicious domains. We dug deeper into the campaign as part of our goal to expand lists of indicators of compromise (IoCs). more

The Playbook on Igniting Your Online Business

An Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast with Seth Godin and Sandeep Ramchandani! We were already fans of John Lee Dumas’s Entrepreneurs on Fire podcast, but the excitement for this particular episode was immense. Aptly titled “Ignite Your Online Business,” the episode hosted marketing maverick Seth Godin and a global thought leader in web services, Sandeep Ramchandani. more

Brand Registry Group Is Seeking an Executive Director to Join the Organization

The Brand Registry Group (BRG) is the global association supporting the needs of dotBrand Top-Level Domain (TLD) operators and promoting the benefits of dotBrand TLDs across the world. more

Are Cybersquatting Campaigns Targeting Airlines Taking Off?

Details about an ongoing cybersquatting campaign targeting Turkish Airlines were recently unveiled, naming 13 malicious domains connected to the threat. As one of our primary goals is to expand published lists of indicators of compromise (IoCs), we dug deeper into the campaign to determine if the threat is confined to Turkish Airlines or if other industry players are at risk as well. more