ICANN / News Briefs

US Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing Held on IANA Transition

"I urge you: Do not give a gift to Russia and other authoritarian nations by blocking this transition," Lawrence Strickling, administrator of the U.S. Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration, said on Wednesday at a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing Held on IANA Transition. more

Internet Architecture Board: IANA Transition Plan Is Fit for Purpose, Should Go Forward as Planned

The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) statement on the IANA Stewardship Transition released on Wednesday more

GAO Rules IANA Transition Not a Transfer of Government Property Requiring Congressional Approval

The Untied States Government Accountability Office (GAO) has concluded that the IANA transition is not a government transfer of property requiring congressional approval. more

Internet Society Urges Congress to Press Ahead with IANA Steward Transition

In a letter to key Congressional leaders, the Internet Society's CEO, Kathryn Brown, has urged Congress to allow the IANA stewardship transition to proceed without delay. The contract between the US Commerce Departments National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is set to expire on September 30. more

Republicans Barreling Toward a September Showdown Over IANA Transition

Republicans gear up for fight against internet transition," Ashley Gold and Tony Romm reporting in the POLITICO today. more

US Government Admits IANA Transition May Not Move Forward

The US government plan to move control of the internet's naming and numbering functions to ICANN next month may not move forward, reports Kieren McCarthy more

ICANN Gets an In-House Physical Security Operations Professional

ICANN has announced a new hire, Mark Jardina – an expert in global security and health and safety as Vice President of Security Operations. more

NTIA to Allow IANA Functions Contract to Expire October 1

On Friday, ICANN informed NTIA that it has completed or will complete all the necessary tasks called for in the transition proposal by the end of the contract term. more

ICANN Announces Newly Created Organization to Replace IANA

ICANN has announced the name of the newly incorporated organization, Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), as a nonprofit entity to begin operation as 'Post-Transition IANA'. more

ICANN Confirms: .WEB Sold for Record Breaking $135 at Auction

"NU DOT CO LLC prevailed in the auction for the price of $135 million to operate the .WEB gTLD, announced ICANN today confirming earlier unofficial reports suggesting the amount. more

ICANN Report Shows Few Trademark Holders Using gTLD Sunrise Period

ICANN has released Draft Report of an Independent Review of the Trademark Clearinghouse. Key findings include the fact that "across eligible trademark holders, fewer than 20 percent have used the Sunrise period to date." more

ICANN Sued in an Attempt to Block .WEB Auction

Controversy over .WEB auction takes a new turn as various sources today pointed to a lawsuit filed against ICANN by Ruby Glen LLC, a subsidiary of Donuts Inc. -- the largest registry for new generic top-level domains (gTLDs). more

ICANN Publishes gTLD Statistics and Trends Report, Asks for Community Feedback

The gTLD Marketplace Health Index presents statistics and trends related to generic top-level domains. ICANN intends to publish these statistics biannually to track progress against its goal of supporting the evolution of the domain name marketplace to be robust, stable, and trusted. more

IANA Transition Under Further Attack, Now Officially Blocked by Republican Policy

"Handover of US internet control to ICANN now officially blocked by Republican policy," Kieren McCarthy reporting today in The Register: "The planned transition of the internet's critical technical functions from the US government to a technical body may come under further attack after the Republican Party officially agreed to block it on Monday. more

Ted Cruz: IANA Transition ‘Likely Illegal’

"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called on Congress to stop the Obama administration from giving away control of the Internet with congressional authorization -- a move Cruz said is likely illegal," Nicholas Ballasy reporting today in PJ Media. more