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Many .COM Domain Names with Same Keywords as Premium New gTLDs are Available for Registration

Earlier this month, Andrew Allemann wrote a post on notable NameJet sales in which he discusses the sale of PropertyRehab.com for $2,400 as “a perfect example of how wrong some domain registries are on their premium pricing.” He mentions that the registry operator for the .rehab new generic top-level domain (new gTLD), has marked property.rehab as a platinum domain name and asks: “Why would someone pay thousands (or tens of thousands) a year for Property.rehab when they could buy PropertyRehab.com for just $2,400?”

While Alleman’s example relates to premium domain names, it made me wonder if .com domain names that correspond to premium new gTLD domain names are currently available for registration. I looked into it by manually typing examples of domain names into two popular registrars’ online search tools and found the following 15 .com domain names that contain the same keywords as premium new gTLD domain names were available for registration as of July 19, 2016.

The domain names examined for the below list represent only a fraction of the available premium new gTLD domain names for which there might be corresponding keyword-rich .com domain names available, illustrating the importance of doing your research when choosing a domain name. Because really, why would you pay thousands of dollars to register a lesser-known new gTLD domain name when you could register the same keywords as a .com domain name? At a minimum, it may be wise to register both.

Available .COM Domain Names That Contain the Same Keywords as Premium New gTLD Domain Names

Premium Domain NameRegistrar 1 PriceRegistrar 2 Price.Com Domain NameRegistrar 1 PriceRegistrar 2 Price
comic.actor$12,000.00$12,500.00comicactor.com$13.95 $10.99
choose.democrat$12,000.00$12,500.00choosedemocrat.com$13.95 $10.99
nyc.democrat$12,000.00$12,500.00nycdemocrat.com$13.95 $10.99
americano.futbol$12,000.00$12,500.00americanofutbol.com$13.95 $10.99
find.republican$12,000.00$12,500.00findrepublican.com$13.95 $10.99
acquisition.attorney$8,400.00$8,750.00acquisitionattorney.com$13.95 $10.99
currency.forsale$8,400.00$8,750.00currencyforsale.com$13.95 $10.99
audiorepair.software$8,400.00$8,750.00audiorepairsoftware.com$13.95 $10.99
2016toprated.car$3,499.99$2,099.002016topratedcar.com$13.95 $10.99
2016toprated.cars$3,499.99$2,099.002016topratedcars.com $13.95 $10.99
toprates.cars$3,499.99$2,099.00topratescars.com$13.95 $10.99
recipes.space$3,000.00$3,125.00recipesspace.com$13.95 $10.99
welfare.lawyer$1,800.00$1,875.00welfarelawyer.com$13.95 $10.99

Pricing and availability as of July 19, 2016

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By Jeannie McPherson, Senior Director of Content Marketing at Verisign

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Thanks for pointing these out Bill Hartzer  –  Jul 27, 2016 4:40 PM

Interesting, thanks for pointing these out. I bet there are a lot of others that are available, as well. Looks like many of those that you mentioned in your list are now registered, though. ;)

Jean.com Jean Guillon  –  Jul 28, 2016 7:54 AM

“jean.com” was just sold for $48,000 (...) so I bought “jean.click” at Uniregistry for less than $6,00

Proprietary TLDs vs. Generic TLDs Norbert Mayer-Wittmann  –  Jul 28, 2016 12:41 PM

I myself distinguish between “generic” and “proprietary” TLDs (see http://remediary.com/2016/07/auctions-markets-for-domains-domain-names-tlds for an operational definition / distinction of these two terms).

One reason why someone might prefer to register a proprietary TLD might be that the proprietor has some kind of trustworthiness (and/or expertise, especially related to the language / jargon / terminology) related to a topic, a geographical location, a municipality, its government, etc. I discussed this here: http://nooblogs.com/2015/03/02/top-level-domains-domain-name-meanings One very good example of this is National Association of REALTORS’ “realtor” TLD.

Thank you for bringing up this topic. Of course the reliability of the TLD registry is also a very important factor to consider. See also my remarks regarding this aspect: http://nooblogs.com/2015/08/27/an-optimistic-point-of-view-on-the-new-generic-top-level-domains-possibilities-pointing-to-a-positive-outlook-for-the-viability-of-regional-and-topical-names One example here might be the high degree of reliability of the “DE” TLD due to German and/or European law.

ps: I also tried to post this comment to the blog @ verisign.com, but firstly the URL (above) was incorrect and secondly the server timed out (so perhaps there is some kind of “glitch” that needs fixing?)

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