
Cyberattack / Most Viewed

Repeat DDoS Attacks the Norm in Q4 2015, 24 Attacks per Target on Average

During Q4, repeat DDoS attacks were the norm, with an average of 24 attacks per targeted customer in Q4, reports Akamai in its newly released Q4 2015 State of the Internet - Security Report. more

Paris Cyber Agreement Has Grown to More Than 450 Signatories

The "Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace," announced by French President at the Paris Peace Forum on November 13, has attracted more than 450 signatories. more

Russia Is Studying China’s Legislative Experience in Fighting Internet Corruption, Cyber-Terrorism

Russian State Duma deputy, chairman of the Committee on Security and Corruption Control Vasily Piskarev told Russian reporters on Tuesday that Russia is studying China's legislative experience in dealing with corruption, cyber-terrorism and cross-border crime on the Internet. more

U.S. Navy Investigating Possibility of Cyberattack Behind Two Navy Destroyer Collisions

Deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, Vice Adm. Jan Tigh, says the military is investigating the possibility of compromised computer systems behind two U.S. Navy destroyer collisions with merchant vessels that occurred in recent months. more

Experienced a Breach? Here Are Four Tips for Incident Response

The threat level has never been higher for organizations charged with protecting valuable data. In fact, as recent headlines will attest, no company or agency is completely immune to targeted attacks by persistent, skilled adversaries. The unprecedented success of these attacks against large and well-equipped organizations around the world has led many security executives to question the efficacy of traditional layered defenses as their primary protection against targeted attacks. more

KRACK Attack Can Affect All Modern WiFi Networks, Researchers Have Disclosed

Security researchers Mathy Vanhoef and Frank Piessens have detected a major vulnerability in the WPA2 protocol that secures all protected Wi-Fi networks. more

South Korean Ruling Party Chief Offers Resignation Amidst DDoS Scandal

South Korea's ruling party chairman has offered to resign over a cyberattack reported to have been orchestrated by an aide to one of the conservative party's lawmakers. The move comes after police concluded the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on the election watchdog's website on the day of by-elections in October was masterminded solely by a 27-year-old aide to the ruling Grand National Party. The aide has also admitted to orchestrating a similar cyberattack on the website of Park Won-soon, who was elected Seoul mayor in the Oct. 26 elections. more

US Congress Website Recovers from a Crippling 3-Day DNS Attack

A number of websites owned and operated by the United States Congress are recovering from a three-day DNS attack. more

Tactics for Responding to Cyber Attacks - Squeezing Your Cyber Response-Curve: Part 1

Many cyber attacks against companies today go unreported, and more still are undetected... Timing and context are everything. The faster a company identifies a problem, and the faster and deeper it is understood and its relevance to the business, the more effectively the company can respond. We call this squeezing the cyber response curve. This two-part post will discuss the current state of cyber threats, what the cyber response curve is and its impact your organization and how you can effectively squeeze this curve to improve attack response. more

Microsoft’s Brad Smith Calls for a ‘Digital Geneva Convention’ to Protect Civilians

In a blog post published today on Microsoft's website, company President and Chief Legal Officer, Brad Smith, has raised concerns over escalating cyberattcks over the past year and the need for a Digital Geneva Convention. more

Do Your Analytics Efforts Expose Your SQL Data Sources to Attacks?

Structured Query Language (SQL) continues to be quite relevant today. Many organizations still use SQL database systems, and it still ranks as the top in-demand language in tech job postings -- even in 2020. Companies are also increasing their analytics and business intelligence efforts, where SQL skills come in as quite handy. SQL queries allow you to pull key information from databases quickly. more

Healthcare Industry Was the Most Common Victim of Third-Party Breaches in 2022

Health care industry was the most common victim of cyberattacks in 2022, according to a report by cyber intelligence firm, Black Kite. The study found a total of 34.9% of cyberattacks occurred in health care, up 1% from the year before, making it the most attacked sector for the second year in a row. more

No Apparent Financial or Political Motivation Behind Dyn DDoS Attacks, Says Intelligence Firm

In an after-action analysis of the Mirai botnet attacks on Dyn, business intelligence firm, Flashpoint has assessed with "a moderate degree of confidence" that the perpetrators behind the attack were most likely not politically motivated, and most likely not nation-state actors. more

Pyeongchang Olympics Organizers Investigating Possible Cyberattack on Opening Day

Reports from various sources indicate Pyeongchang Olympics organizers were looking into a disruption of non-critical systems on the day of the opening ceremony but could not yet confirm if it was a cyberattack. more

WHOIS Database Download: Proactive Defense Against the Rising Tide of BEC Fraud

How many times have you heard that humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity? The headlines have proven that over and over again. In particular, business email compromise or BEC (also known as email account compromise or EAC) scams, which typically target an employee with access to the financial resources of his company -- this could be a C-level executive or any high-ranking officer -- for fraud are still on a constant uphill trend. more