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Threat Intelligence / Recently Commented

A Great Collaborative Effort: Increasing the Strength of the Zone Signing Key for the Root Zone

A few weeks ago, on Oct. 1, 2016, Verisign successfully doubled the size of the cryptographic key that generates DNSSEC signatures for the internet's root zone. With this change, root zone DNS responses can be fully validated using 2048-bit RSA keys. This project involved work by numerous people within Verisign, as well as collaborations with ICANN, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). more

British Banks Not Fully Reporting Cyber Attacks, Fear Punishment, Bad Publicity

"Britain's banks are not reporting the full extent of cyber attacks to regulators for fear of punishment or bad publicity, bank executives and providers of security systems say," reports Lawrence White in Reuters today. more

Steps on How Service Providers Can Combat CPE Fraud and Protect Network Security

Cable modem fraud can be a major source of revenue leakage for service providers. A recent study found that communication service providers lost $3 billion dollars worldwide due to cable modem cloning and fraudulent practices. To combat this problem, device provisioning solutions include mechanisms to prevent loss -- but what do you really need to protect your bottom line? more

US to Retaliate Russian DNC Hack, Will Hit Russia with “Proportional” Response

The White House on Tuesday vowed a 'proportional' response for Russian DNC Hack -- Intelligence officials say files were leaked to interfere with outcome of presidential election. more

G7 Nations Set Cybersecurity Guidelines for Financial Sector

The Group of Seven industrial powers today announced an agreement on guidelines aimed at protecting global financial sector from cyberattacks amidst a series of cross-border bank thefts by hackers. Jason Lange from Washington reporting in Reuters. more

Moscow Calls US Accusations of Russian DNC Hack “Unprecedented Anti-Russian Hysteria”

The Foreign Ministry in Moscow says U.S. accusations that Russia was responsible for cyber attacks against Democratic Party organizations lack any proof and are an attempt by Washington to fan "unprecedented anti-Russian hysteria". more

US Intelligence Officially Accuses Russian Government for the DNC Hack

In a joint statement today by the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security, Russia has been blamed for hacking and publishing archived emails from the Democratic National Committee this summer. more

IoT Botnet Source Code Responsible for Historic Attack Has Been Publicly Released

The source code for the IoT botnet 'Mirai' has been released," warns security expert Brian Krebs whose own website was targeted with the same botnet resulting in the historically large DDoS attack last month. more

Cameras, DVRs Used for Massive Cyberattack on French Hosting Company and Others

"Hackers infect army of cameras, dvrs for massive internet attacks," reports Drew Fitzgerald in the Wall Street Journal. more

Exploiting the Firewall Beachhead: A History of Backdoors Into Critical Infrastructure

There is no network security technology more ubiquitous than the firewall. With nearly three decades of deployment history and a growing myriad of corporate and industrial compliance policies mandating its use, no matter how irrelevant you may think a firewall is in preventing today's spectrum of cyber threats, any breached corporation found without the technology can expect to be hung, drawn, and quartered by both shareholders and industry experts alike. more

Increasing the Strength of the Zone Signing Key for the Root Zone, Part 2

A few months ago I published a blog post about Verisign's plans to increase the strength of the Zone Signing Key (ZSK) for the root zone. I'm pleased to provide this update that we have started the process to pre-publish a 2048-bit ZSK in the root zone for the first time on Sept. 20. Following that, we will publish root zones with the larger key on Oct. 1, 2016. more

US Senators in Letter to Yahoo Say Late Hack Disclosure “Unacceptable”

"A group of Democratic U.S. senators on Tuesday demanded Yahoo Inc (YHOO.O) to explain why hackers' theft of user information for half a billion accounts two years ago only came to light last week and lambasted its handling of the breach as "unacceptable," reports Dustin Volz from Washington in Reuters. more

What Trump and Clinton Said About Cybersecurity in the First US Presidential Debate

The Internet and tech got very little mention last night during the first of three presidential debatest. The only notable exception was cybersecurity where moderator Lester Holt asked: "Our institutions are under cyber attack, and our secrets are being stolen. So my question is, who's behind it? And how do we fight it?" The following are the responses provided to the question by the two candidates. more

Cybersecurity Regime for Satellites and other Space Assets Urgently Required, Warn Researchers

"A radical review of cybersecurity in space is needed to avoid potentially catastrophic attacks," warn researchers at the International Security Department of UK-based thinktank, Chatham House. more

Yahoo to Confirm Massive Data Breach, Several Hundred Million Users Exposed

"Yahoo is expected to confirm a massive data breach, impacting hundreds of millions of users," reports Kara Swisher today in Recode. more