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Will ICANN’s gTLD Flood the Sub-Domain Registrations?

Obviously, the market will explode if there were a few hundred new gTLDs creating global excitement and building new platforms on ecommerce and cyber-branding. The media hype and breakaway stories will create a boom to the traffic; all types of new and old names will be registered under current and re-registered under new gTLDs wherever possible. Speculation on domain naming will be a large part, but the largest will be the critical mass of current domain names in need of realignment. Fine adjustments are needed to cope with the new reality but are stuck within the limitation of their gTLDs.

Registrars are holding their breath while the domainers are turning blue. The good news may be around the corner but the real good news is that it will be the most awkward stance for ICANN to back off from this global revolution. The approval at the ‘Lion City’ Singapore may go down in history what ‘Saint Francis of Assisi’ was unable to assist at the last San Francisco’s meeting.

One Internet, on world, one name, one owner, go ICANN go.

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By Naseem Javed, Expert: Global Naming Complexities, Corporate Nomenclature, Image & Branding

He is the founder of ABC Namebank, author of ‘Domination: The GTLD Name Game’, syndicated columnist, keynote speaker and specialist on global naming complexities.

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gTLD expansion bad for small business Steve Magruder  –  Jun 9, 2011 2:55 PM

I argued this in ICANN’s own forums years ago, and I’ll argue it again.

Small businesses can ill-afford to protect their business’s namesake as gTLDs expand.  If a small business has a dot-com, they already in many cases have to get their business’s name in .net, .biz, etc.  This isn’t free.

And the last thing we need is a new explosion in cybersquatting, with the accompanying trademark hijacking.  And again, small businesses can’t always afford to defend their trademarks.

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