Brand Protection



Brand Protection / Industry Updates

NIS2 and Its Implications for Global Brands

Last month, Stephanie Driver, CSC's marketing manager, spoke with Global Director of Security Services Mark Flegg and discussed the Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2) 2022, which comes into force in October 2024. more

Subdomain Hijacking in the News Again - What is It?

In recent news, more than 13,000 subdomains of brands were hijacked for a large spam campaign that "leverages the trust associated with these domains to circulate spam and malicious phishing emails by the millions each day, cunningly using their credibility and stolen resources to slip past security measures." more

Thoughts on RDRS for Brand Owners

This month, Stephanie Driver, CSC's marketing manager, spoke with Patrick Hauss, head of Corporate Development and Strategic Alliances EMEA, about the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) as part of an ongoing a series of interviews with CSC's Digital Brand services business experts, where we talk about industry issues across cybersecurity, domains, brand protection, and fraud protection. more

CSC Partners with NetDiligence to Help Mitigate Cyber Risks and Support the Cyber Insurance Ecosystem

CSC, an enterprise-class domain registrar and world leader in mitigating domain security, domain name system (DNS), and digital brand threats, today announces its partnership with NetDiligence®, a leader in cyber risk readiness and response solutions for the cyber insurance industry. more

WhoisXML API Newly Registered Domains V2 (NRD2) Achieved Massive Coverage Growth

WhoisXMl API is proud to announce data quality improvements of the Newly Registered Domains V2 (NRD2) Data Feed, specifically an 89% increase in total coverage over the last 12 months. Moreover, the data feed recorded a 153.95% increase in activity for the top 10 country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs). more

DNS Abuse: Finding Our Way Forward Together

Many problem-solving processes say that to solve a problem, the first step is to accurately define it. The International Trademark Association (INTA) did just that earlier this year when they announced their board of directors adopted a resolution whereby they defined domain name system (DNS) abuse with the help of their constituents. more

Domain Blocking: The Future of Brand Protection

Since 2014, more than 800 new domain extensions have been added to the internet. In addition to the ubiquitous .com and country-code extensions such as the United Kingdom's .uk and Japan's .jp, unique spaces have been created for industry sectors, special interests, geographical regions and more. more

The Hidden Secret About Your DNS Zones and Combatting Phishing Campaigns

Phishing and scam campaigns are one of the biggest challenges for businesses and organizations across the globe and continue to evade traditional security measures year after year. more

From URSNIF IoCs to Software Spoofing: Using DNS Intel to Connect the Dots

Financially motivated threat actors called "TA544" were first detected in 2017. TA544 is known for high-volume campaigns, sending hundreds of thousands of malicious messages daily. more

Does Your Supplier’s Domain Oversight Impact You?

You are a distributor that sells your supplier's brands, so aside from worrying about your own company's domains, you've got nothing else to worry about, right? more