Brand Protection



Brand Protection / Industry Updates

Neustar Publishes Latest Edition of .Brands Industry Report

As the .brands program evolves, it's truly rewarding to see the space maturing -- as companies' use of their branded domains become more diverse and find clear connections with business strategy and corporate priorities. more

Why the Record Number of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking UDRP Filings in 2016?

By replacing the core criterion of the Policy with repurposed language found elsewhere, panelists inadvertently encourage Complainant companies to attempt to misuse the UDRP to steal domains that were registered long before those companies and associated product trademarks came into existence. more

The Rise and Fall of the UDRP Theory of ‘Retroactive Bad Faith’

Since its establishment in 1999, the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy has required complainants to prove inter alia, "bad faith registration". In practice, this has meant that where a domain name was registered before a trademark came into existence, that "bad faith registration" would be considered chronologically impossible. more

2016 U.S. Election: An Internet Forecast

The unexpected election of Donald Trump, along with continued Republican control of both houses of Congress will have a big impact on our US priorities. While the outlook remains unclear, we've prepared the memo below examining the initial impact the election may have on issues that matter to Internet infrastructure companies and organizations. more